Wow that's great!

Seems we would have two initial contributors who would take care of
nano - that's great!

I know that Jan asked regarding GitHub contributions and donating to
the ASF:

and while thinking about his question I got reminded that Phonegap
(now Cordova) was initially a GitHub project. I'll ping Brian Leroux,
maybe he can provide some insights.

On Thu, Jan 29, 2015 at 10:18 AM, Garren Smith <> wrote:
> I think bringing Nano.js under Apache CouchDB is a fantastic idea. This is 
> really exciting. Nano.js is a very well written library with a great API. Its 
> also very popular. If we could get it into ASF we can make sure that when 
> CouchDB 2.0 lands we have a library that works properly with it immediately 
> and supports all new features like Query.
> Another positive is that Nano.js should bring more contributors to the 
> CouchDB community which is a always a good thing.
> I would be interested in contributing to Nano.js to make sure it stays up to 
> date. I don’t have a lot of free time but I would be keen to help where I can.
> Thanks Nuno for starting this.
> Cheers
> Garren
>> On 27 Jan 2015, at 4:09 PM, Alexander Shorin <> wrote:
>> Ok, fair enough. I got your point. Let's try and see how it goes.
>> --
>> ,,,^..^,,,
>> On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 4:48 PM, Jan Lehnardt <> wrote:
>>>> On 27 Jan 2015, at 14:21 , Alexander Shorin <> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 3:43 PM, Jan Lehnardt <> wrote:
>>>>>> On 27 Jan 2015, at 12:44 , Alexander Shorin <> wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Jan Lehnardt <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Why do you think that would be an improvement?
>>>>>>> In the past, we let the community come up with whatever it needs, which 
>>>>>>> was a decent call, but it has lead to a situation, where we have 5+ 
>>>>>>> libraries per language and they all implement another 80%-set of the 
>>>>>>> CouchDB functionality. When one gets started with CouchDB, there is 
>>>>>>> always some research to be done, on what to use.
>>>>>> There is also quite opposite situation when "official"
>>>>>> clients/drivers/libs falls into the trap when initial bad
>>>>>> architectural decisions makes them unusable in real life. Such
>>>>>> situation puts official solution on the line: to continue be "bad",
>>>>>> but keep compatibility for existed users or break it to have a chance
>>>>>> still be actual in near future.
>>>>> That’s why I like the idea of using proven libraries from the field.
>>>> Need to define what we call "proven library". Proven by time? Number
>>>> of stars on Github? Amount of downloads or questions on StackOverflow?
>>>> Or CouchDB API coverage and simplicity to work with it? Clear rules
>>>> will simplify decision making and will cut off personal taste from it
>>>> ("oh, I love X let pick it!").
>>> As I mentioned in the last mail, I don’t want to open a new stream of 
>>> activity,
>>> let’s focus on the proposal at hand.
>>>>>> I don't see anything bad in having 5+ libraries per language: almost
>>>>>> of of them people made to solve own problems. The most successful ones
>>>>>> became popular and have own community to continue maintaining, testing
>>>>>> and improving them. Others left as personal pet-projects what is again
>>>>>> ok.
>>>>> In addition, I don’t see the project-provided libraries as an exclusionary
>>>>> thing. There will always be room for alternatives and we will point people
>>>>> to them, should their needs warrant it.
>>>> Sure, we shouldn't and cannot ban users to create new libraries
>>>> around. The problem is that after "official libraries" the others will
>>>> have to stay in the shadow. I think some maintainable page on wiki
>>>> with libraries short overview + comparison table is good enough to
>>>> also provide informational support for non-official ones.
>>>>>> I think we could simply limit us by providing recommendation on each
>>>>>> library(-ries) per language that we would like to see as official and
>>>>>> provide them informational support. The community will do everything
>>>>>> else. This action wouldn't require much from us and will not cause any
>>>>>> breaking changes in projects life.
>>>>> That’s the status quo, it is not working out so well :)
>>>> We didn't even tries. Two years ago I raised that question for the
>>>> docs: should we mention third party tools and clients to work with
>>>> CouchDB. The answer was no: we shouldn't shift the balance of end user
>>>> decision. Now it seems the mind is changed on this question.
>>> I wasn’t part of that discussion but it sounds misguided to me.
>>> The drawback with this is having to keep up to date with the relative
>>> reliability of all entries, and that could be a lot of work. It’d be
>>> easier to just have a primary client and focus on keeping that relevant.
>>>>>>> I think it would be beneficial for people new to CouchDB to know where 
>>>>>>> to get the definite library that will get them started. That still 
>>>>>>> leaves room for more specialised or opinionated libraries beside that.
>>>>>>> One of the things that people like about MongoDB is that it is so easy 
>>>>>>> to get started with, because the language integration is part of the 
>>>>>>> whole package and maintained by the MongoDB people. I wouldn’t mind 
>>>>>>> stealing that from their run book.
>>>>>> There is a little difference between MongoDB and our approach:
>>>>>> MongoDB's clients were made by the same team, not by various side
>>>>>> people. The difference is in clients API consistency: you may switch
>>>>>> the language, but you'll be sure that the official client implements
>>>>>> methods you used and they works in the same way.
>>>>> This is correct, but that’s not really relevant to what the end users
>>>>> see: I use PHP, what should I use to talk to MongoDB? Oh right, there.
>>>>> This has been consistent good feedback for them and bad feedback for us
>>>>> since the very early days. I’d be very happy to address that.
>>>> Tutorial in docs is pretty enough. "How to start with PHP" and here
>>>> are the ways you can use...Currently we don't have anything like that.
>>>> Only strong propaganda of curl tool (:
>>> We used to have a long list of “How to get started with X” wiki pages,
>>> we should revive that, if it is stale.
>>>>>> I personally, didn't investigated MongoDB drivers much, but if you
>>>>>> look on RethinkDB ones: - they
>>>>>> uses the same "official clients" approach - you'll see that clients
>>>>>> API is almost equivalent whatever language you select. If it will not,
>>>>>> then there is no much sense for having "official client" if each will
>>>>>> acts different for the same API call.
>>>>> I don’t think unifying clients is a good idea.
>>>> This is what makes official clients different from group of various
>>>> projects that called official clients.
>>> I’d strongly disagree. I think the use-case of familiarity with one 
>>> particular API being the same in a different language is a very minor one. 
>>> Since CouchDB’s API surface is rather small, we don’t have a big spread 
>>> anyway. Libraries should use whatever is most natural in their environment.
>>>>>>>> What are the advantages to both the CouchDB project and a random 
>>>>>>>> library project?
>>>>>>> In this specific case, the project maintainer wants to make sure the 
>>>>>>> project survives and trusts this community with it. For every other 
>>>>>>> library that we may or may not be integrating, it will depend :)
>>>>>>> I’d be happy to make it work for everyone, though.
>>>>>>> A side benefit, as I see it, is that more people get familiar with the 
>>>>>>> CouchDB development process and are more likely to help out on other 
>>>>>>> things on the project.
>>>>>> That's really great point, but we should make this step carefully and
>>>>>> define first what the thirdparty libraries we would like to see and
>>>>>> what the requirements we apply on them. For instance, I, as a man from
>>>>>> aside, wonder why nano if there is more popular and active crade for
>>>>>> node.js? FIFO principle?
>>>>> I don’t think we have to solve the general case right now (although it is
>>>>> good to have this discussion). We currently have the offer to make Nano
>>>>> ours. Let’s start with that and see how it goes. If nothing else, we can
>>>>> always spin it out into GitHub again.
>>>> Agreed. Let's make this experiment and see how it goes. In case of
>>>> success we could expand it for more.
>>>> --
>>>> ,,,^..^,,,

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