Hi Nadeeshaan and welcome to the CouchDB mailing list :)

CouchDB is a database written in Erlang with an HTTP API. We have an
Admin-Interface (think of PHP MyAdmin) which is a
Single-Page-JavaScript MVC App. It started as a Backbone.js project,
but we are currently migrating to React.js for performance reasons.

The CouchDB community is a very nice and inclusive community - I
really enjoy being a part of it!

I tried to write a short tutorial how you can get Fauxton running on
your machine. Don't worry if you are stuck or have questions, we are
happy to help!

Getting started:

It would be nice if you have Linux/Unix running on your machine (or
something like "git bash" in place, but I a no expert in development
on windows) so we can exchange code snippets for the console.

For this project you will need to install at least CouchDB 1.x, an
Ubuntu package (with installation instructions) is at

Additionally you need to install Node.js 0.10 or 0.12 (install from

Booting Fauxton and first steps (type without the $):

after you have couchdb installed you start it with:
$  couchdb

if you have a permissions problem try:
$ sudo couchdb

in another terminal, clone the admin interface:
$ git clone https://github.com/apache/couchdb-fauxton

go to Fauxton
$ cd couchdb-fauxton

install dependencies:
$ npm install
$ npm install -g grunt grunt-cli

boot the app:
$ grunt dev

Then open your browser and go to http://localhost:8000 - you should
see a red/gray/black interface

That was a lot of input, you have a lot archived now!

As first step, try to create a database and a document now using the
web interface. :)

If everything worked, we are ready for the second part, explaining
revisions of documents. I am currently travelling but in general I am
also on freenode in #couchdb-dev and can give you ad-hoc help and help
troubleshooting. My nick is robertkowalski/rkowalski - I am also happy
to share my screen if the problem is more complex.

What's next:
If everything works we will take a look at Fauxtons code structure and
how it works. Additionally we will take a look at document revisions.

Looking forward to work with you,

On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Nadeeshaan Gunasinghe
<nadeeshaangunasin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I am Nadeeshaan and currently I am a final year Undergraduate at Department
> of Computer Science and Engineering at University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka. I
> did my Internship at WSO2 Lanka last year which is an open source products
> related Company. I am so much passionate about involving in Open source
> contribution and also I completed my GSOC 2014 Project Successfully (
> http://magazine.joomla.org/issues/issue-sept-2014/item/2282-reaching-the...)
> . I have a sound knowledge on Java,Javascript,CSS,HTML, MySQL, Database
> Administration, Machine Learning, Data Minng and web Development specially.
> I am so much interested in aforementioned project and I would like to
> involve with this project idea. Therefore I would like to have bit more
> information about the project and to have some guidance about getting
> started with the project
> Cheers....
> --
> Nadeeshaan Gunasinghe
> Department of Computer Science and Engineering
> University of Moratuwa
> Sri Lanka

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