Fellow CouchDB enthusiasts,

Let me quote a dialogue I had the other day with a colleague on Couchapps and 

> > I would like to know what is so horrible with the vhost/rewrite of CouchDB
> You must concentrate all rules in one place, that is totally out of idea ‘one 
> app – one ddoc’
> Capturing mechanics is outrageously ugly and limiting. You can‘t capture on 
> query, only on path, and in very limiting manner. Obsolete for at least 15 
> years.
> Rule lists are flat – they must be trees, since it‘s json, not SQL table of 
> directory with files.
> It‘s all very brittle, error prone and imposes all possible hurdles during 
> debug – no err messages, no log, no validator.
> And most important: it creates illusion, that it can fit everything – but it 
> only fits small static-like sites.
> > Is it something that could be fed to the developers?
> Don‘t think anybody of them is interested. This functions assumed obsolete or 
> impractical by the vast majority of community, as I see. And I agree with 
> them.

Still with its limitations, I love _rewrite
You direct the vhost to db/_design/api/_rewrite
using so-called “unsafe” rewrites, you create an API for your many databases 
and their couchapps there.
It works beautifully.
That is at Cloudant. I think I learned from an earlier discussion that the lack 
of a “default vhost” is a problem outside Cloudant.
Now Cloudant does not offer SSL unless you enter into a relationship with your 
local IBM organization and buy a dedicated cluster under a std IBM contract, so 

Of course I would like to see a better rewrite function, my priority would be
A tree structure of rules
Capture query in the “to”
That would be a great enhancement to go with version 2.0


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