Hi, list!

I want to share my plan for preparing to work on couchdb-nano. Briefly, I
want to fix a thing or two in the project, but I think a more urgent change
is the pre-commit hooks enforcing coding style and test coverage.

The Nano project has several brilliant checks that it can do:

However, now that it is under the Apache CouchDB umbrella, I think these
checks are overkill. AFAIK, no other parts of the CouchDB project enforce a
particular style, certainly not as a condition to commit.

For example, here is a rejection by attempting to commit a single blank
line. https://gist.github.com/jhs/a198c75b4d06c72a5940 (TL;DR a huge test
suite runs, fails for some reason, and the commit is rejected).

A gem of the Nano project is that all of its http interactions are mocked.
You can run the entire test suite from a simple git clone (plus npm install
for dependencies). I would like to embrace that characteristic. If
contributors waiver on the style or test coverage, the maintainers can
shoulder that burden (for example, by committing to the contribution,
lowering the minimum coverage threshold, ha ha ha!).

Really, I am sending this email because it is a departure from the
dscape/nano philosophy. I think the world of Nano and its community. Nuno
is brilliant, and the Nano community is brilliant. I don't wan to--sort of
betray my gurus; but on the other hand, whoo boy, it's a bit much.

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