
I am compiling a list of companies or products using CouchDB for a few 

 - showcase logos and user stories of successful CouchDB development for a 
new website on http://couchdb.apache.org
- solicit private feedback about making CouchDB better
- help companies to hire experienced CouchDB developers
- identify new CouchDB core contributors from other companies

What we need from you:

- Company name
- Product name or use case
- Is it in production or development?
- Contact information for further questions
- Link to logo if we can showcase your company on the new site
- User quote (with attribution) about your CouchDB user experience (up to 
300 characters)

Please reply to this email or on 
https://github.com/robertkowalski/couch-labs/issues/1 if the information is 
public, or email robertkowal...@apache.org


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