Oh and I asked a friend who works there what it takes to get on the list of 
1-click-apps. I’ll report back!


> On 22 Dec 2015, at 23:08, Jan Lehnardt <j...@apache.org> wrote:
> I just gave the latest klaemo/couchdb:2.0-dev a spin on Digital Ocean and it 
> is quite amazing to get a cluster going in under a minute. I’m certain this 
> will help with adoption and release testing. Thank you very much! :)
> Best
> Jan
> -- 
>> On 19 Dec 2015, at 23:39, Robert Kowalski <r...@kowalski.gd> wrote:
>> Awesome idea Clemens!
>> Check your twitterwebs :)
>> On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 5:53 PM, Clemens Stolle
>> <clemens.sto...@fastmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hey there,
>>> yesterday, Jan said something like „sweet, 0 to CouchDB cluster in 120 
>>> seconds“ on IRC. That got me thinking.
>>> Currently there is no pure CouchDB SaaS offering (at least that I’m aware 
>>> of). Don’t worry, I’m not proposing we’d build something like that. ;)
>>> It would be pretty sweet though, if we were able to offer a DigitalOcean 
>>> image (or "one-click app“ as they call it). That'd get us from 0 to CouchDB 
>>> in 55s. :D
>>> Is that something the community would be interested in?
>>> DO is arguably the easiest VPS provider and really popular in the developer 
>>> community. It would also benefit projects like PouchDB, because interested 
>>> users could easily spin up an instance and test out that whole 
>>> replication/syncing miracle. Also MongoDB, Redis and others are already 
>>> present on DO.
>>> I have no idea you we’d go about doing that, though. Does anyone know folks 
>>> at DO?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Clemens

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