Hi list,

I hope you had awesome holidays!

The whole holidays I thought about an idea I had and today I
implemented a prototype which still has some bugs and isn't complete

I want to find out if there is general interest and if it would be
worth to spend more time.

The problem I am trying to solve is that I usually have a hard time
explaining people how views work. Now we got Mango and I can just say:
we use a syntax similar to MongoDB's query language _but you have to
create an index before you can use it_.

At this point I usually look into sad, big eyes because no one
understands why they have to create an index first and I feel there is
another entry barrier for newcomers. If trying anyway given they have
decided for CouchDB the user gets a error back: "no index available
for this selector".

The idea of this patch is to just fallback on the "give me all docs
and i filter afterwards"-trick that people usually use (if they know
it) when they just want to test something, without creating an index
which can take time for creation and requires further knowledge.
Additionally the user is warned that they can create an index to make
the queries faster.

What do you think? Is that something worth to work on further? The PR
is at https://github.com/apache/couchdb-mango/pull/27

You can test it with basic queries on a database which does not have
indexes for the fields you want to query created yet.

Robert :)

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