Hi all,

though good news is boring, let me share it nonetheless:
- I ran my application (open-source soonish I hope) against CouchDB
(apache-couchdb-2.0.0-1c1cc8f) - and it runs well (as it did w/ 1.6.1 and
Cloudant). Switching ?since from numbers to strings was an exercise I did
before, so probably I was comfortable, but still: it did work.
- copy-ing a 1.6.1 file to bespoke 2.0 did work (accessible via local port
- replicating from local port to cluster port did also work well

The main reson for me to share this is: join me in doing the same simple
test! Probably you stumble over sth but that's OK. Or it works 4 you, than
you also help the team with your feedback...


P.S.: there is a docker image and other nice support available for real
quick testing @

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