(Cultural ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Considered_harmful)

So AdminParty is fun for there 2 minute "hey this stuff is great" tour of
CouchDB, but it leaves me (and others) worried that we don't know the 52
specialist knowledge things to do to lock down a couch install completely.
You know: 443-only, a top-level administrator, sub administrators, regular
accounts, different read vs write permissions, etc etc. We can't imagine
going live with a CouchDB solution without that, and it makes us think we
should look for other technologies when there is no cohesive 100% dev-team
endorsed page on how to close down the party once and for all. Sooooo - *if
that page exists, I can't find it*.  Is the comummunity even in agreement -
is it changes to default.ini, local.ini (server side), or is it a series of
curl statements over the wire (and why)?

- Paul

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