----- Original Message -----
> Couch 1.x and Couch 2.x will choke as soon as the indexer tries to
> process a too large document that was added. The indexing stops and
> you have to manually remove the doc. In the best case you built an
> automatic process around the process. The automatic process removes
> the document instead of the human.

I've known about this problem for years, but never did anything.
Thank you for taking the initiative here, Robert.

I think flat out rejecting documents that are too big, with that value set
in the ini file, is the right move if we can't fix the underlying couchjs

As for what is "too big," do you have empirical data from Cloudant as to a
recommendation? I've seen documents at Cloudant as small as 24MB cause issues
with couchjs views, personally.


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