----- Original Message -----
> From: "Daniel Munch" <dani.mu...@gmail.com>
> Now for me it feels a little as if couchdb could go into the same
> direction. While couchdb-ci has already all the necessary build and
> test steps, those are sort of duplicated in couchdb-docker, only that
> in the latter it's a little harder to create all sorts of
> permutations
> of os/erlang version. For me, ideally, couchdb-ci would be able to
> create the end-user image just as another form of packaging. This
> would also mean that couchdb-docker could disappear at some point.
> With the build infrastructure already contained in couchdb-ci, the
> Dockerfiles representing the actual "runtime images" will become much
> simpler and may find their place in couchb-ci as well.

Thanks Daniel, this is good food for thought. You should note that
we actually have a third repo, couchdb-pkg, that is used for all the
packaging content, just to make things confusing ;) Right now it includes
the Debian/Ubuntu (.deb) control files and the snap content, but will
soon include the CentOS packaging stuff as well.

Indeed, if you look at couchdb-docker right now, you'll see that the
image installs all of the build chain tooling, then builds CouchDB,
then *uninstalls* the tools to shrink the resulting image. We may
very well be able to chain that part onto the couchdb-ci images
rather than duplicating the work. As for the other points you raise,
I need to think about it more.


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