
I agree this would be a great option, even a better default.


> On 4 May 2017, at 14:21, Johannes J. Schmidt <schm...@netzmerk.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm cross posting this issue from the PouchDB project: 
> https://github.com/pouchdb/pouchdb/issues/6480
> # Descending replication
> I'd like to discuss an idea that came up during Offline Camp: descending 
> replication.
> Initial replication performance is still an issue, it's intrinsic to huge 
> data sets.
> When you initially replicate its often the new data that's the most 
> interesting to the user. And that one arrives at latest. It would be good to 
> be able to replicate in descending order. That way the user would see new 
> data instantly, while the rest drops in later.
> Also, the app could decide to stop replication at some point based on a 
> memory limit. Sometimes you don't want to sync an entire dataset (for example 
> for event based data).
> Descending Replication would give us:
> 1. Relevant data first (improved UX)
> 2. Requests like "Give me 200MB of (latest) data"
> Do you see any generic problems? Wouldn't this be an easy change?
> Relax,
> Johannes

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