Thanks Robert,

The document with all the markup from the list, templates etc renders 
consistently both in curl and the browser
Files loaded from links <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 
href="/css/main.css" />
.. load now and then, not consistently.
Same thing with images loaded for backgrounds <div class="banner" 
When requesting these files separately they load normally.

Loading pages (generated by rewrite > list > view ) fails 1 out of three times, 
but not consistency. It can be 2 or 3 failed in a row sometimes.
In Safari the entire page can fail:
An example: 
- I got this error first (no page loads)  
- refresh then only the css file failed to load
- Loading this directly, then loaded an image first
- Refresh and the css loaded
- back to the page url I would get a variation of
The error message in JSON
Incomplete page
Complete page without css load
Complete normal page
back to one of the above

The stranges thing is when wrong images load.

A wild guess:  loading a document and having the browser request an attachment 
from the same document (belonging to the content document or the design 
document) gives unpredictable results. No error and normal behaviour when 
throtteling down Chrome to 4G speed.


> On 23 May 2017, at 20:21, Robert Samuel Newson <> wrote:
> we're going to need some more information than just "shows a red GET in the 
> inspector" to diagnose this one.
> Does a curl request work reliably for these attachments?
> B.
>> On 23 May 2017, at 11:47, Johs Ensby <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we have been using Couch 1.6 with a patch for the rewrite function, but I 
>> wanted to see how 2.0 in single node mode was doing these past two days.
>> The test case was a rather big web site with a few databases holding a few 
>> thousand documents, images, PDF attachments. It is performing very well on 
>> Couch 1.6
>> Moving it from the cloud instance offline to a local Mac was as 
>> straigthforward as replication can be and with a few tweeks to the 
>> configration the site popped up on my iMac with all bells and whistles. That 
>> is, a few records did not replicate from Couch 1.6 on Ubuntu/AWS to my local 
>> Mac.
>> But what quickly turned out to be a bigger problem was that attachments did 
>> not load into the browser reliably. 
>> CSS files and images would sometimes load, somtimes not. Normally the CSS 
>> files would load once and cache in the browser, but that did not prevent 
>> pages from loaded occationally as if the css file was missing (not with a 
>> 404, just show a red GET in the inspector without an error code).
>> I seem to remember that there was a discussion about Etags in 2.0, but dont 
>> know if this is the issue here.
>> Strange things like the images coming up instead of the requested images 
>> also happened.
>> Safari was a lot worse than Chrome.
>> Could anyone tell me if these are known bugs that are fixed in 2.1?
>> Best regards,
>> johs

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