I’ve applied the fix and updated all the files in dist-svn and bintray.

I already know how to protect against this kind of error in the future, will 
tackle after vacation, or if anyone wants to beat me to it, add an error, or 
exit here with the attempted path if $TARGET doesn’t exist: 


> On 10. Aug 2017, at 07:45, Joan Touzet <woh...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Johs,
> Fortunately, your crash is unrelated to the already identified issue.
> Your error says:
>  invalid_bind_address
> What is your setting for bind_address in your local.ini file?
> If you're running single node, set it to or and
> try again. (Perhaps you have a dynamically-assigned IP address and
> the bind address previously set is no longer valid?)
> -Joan
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Johs Ensby" <j...@b2w.com>
> To: "dev@couchdb.apache.org Developers" <dev@couchdb.apache.org>, "Joan 
> Touzet" <woh...@apache.org>
> Sent: Thursday, 10 August, 2017 12:26:21 AM
> Subject: Re: Workarounds for macOS 2.1.0 binary that won't start up
> Thanks, Joan
> the workaround did not work on  MacOS 10.12.5
> Here's the crash report
> br Johs
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.196512Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- 
> Application couch_log started on node couchdb@localhost
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.199784Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- 
> Application folsom started on node couchdb@localhost
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.224736Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- 
> Application couch_stats started on node couchdb@localhost
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.224836Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- 
> Application khash started on node couchdb@localhost
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.230881Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- 
> Application couch_event started on node couchdb@localhost
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.234321Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- 
> Application ibrowse started on node couchdb@localhost
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.237174Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- 
> Application ioq started on node couchdb@localhost
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.237275Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- 
> Application mochiweb started on node couchdb@localhost
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.241445Z couchdb@localhost <0.201.0> -------- 
> Apache CouchDB 2.1.0 is starting.
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.241522Z couchdb@localhost <0.202.0> -------- 
> Starting couch_sup
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.330897Z couchdb@localhost <0.201.0> -------- 
> Apache CouchDB has started. Time to relax.
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.330983Z couchdb@localhost <0.201.0> -------- 
> Apache CouchDB has started on
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.331912Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- 
> Application couch started on node couchdb@localhost
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.332016Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- 
> Application ets_lru started on node couchdb@localhost
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.348877Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- 
> Application rexi started on node couchdb@localhost
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.366815Z couchdb@localhost <0.284.0> -------- 
> Opening index for db: _replicator idx: _design/_replicator sig: 
> "3e823c2a4383ac0c18d4e574135a5b08"
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.368001Z couchdb@localhost <0.292.0> -------- 
> Opening index for db: _users idx: _design/_auth sig: 
> "3e823c2a4383ac0c18d4e574135a5b08"
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.373203Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- 
> Application mem3 started on node couchdb@localhost
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.373227Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- 
> Application fabric started on node couchdb@localhost
> [error] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.377967Z couchdb@localhost <0.310.0> -------- 
> Supervisor chttpd_sup had child chttpd started with chttpd:start_link() at 
> undefined exit with reason invalid_bind_address in context start_error
> [error] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.378126Z couchdb@localhost <0.308.0> -------- 
> CRASH REPORT Process  (<0.308.0>) with 0 neighbors exited with reason: 
> {{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,chttpd,invalid_bind_address}},{chttpd_app,start,[normal,[]]}}
>  at application_master:init/4(line:133) <= 
> proc_lib:init_p_do_apply/3(line:237); initial_call: 
> {application_master,init,['Argument__1','Argument__2',...]}, ancestors: 
> [<0.307.0>], messages: [{'EXIT',<0.309.0>,normal}], links: 
> [<0.307.0>,<0.7.0>], dictionary: [], trap_exit: true, status: running, 
> heap_size: 233, stack_size: 27, reductions: 114
> [info] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.378201Z couchdb@localhost <0.7.0> -------- 
> Application chttpd exited with reason: 
> {{shutdown,{failed_to_start_child,chttpd,invalid_bind_address}},{chttpd_app,start,[normal,[]]}}
> [error] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.379258Z couchdb@localhost <0.290.0> -------- 
> gen_server <0.290.0> terminated with reason: killed
>  last msg: {'EXIT',<0.284.0>,killed}
>     state: {st,<0.284.0>,couch_mrview_index,undefined}
> [error] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.379354Z couchdb@localhost <0.295.0> -------- 
> gen_server <0.295.0> terminated with reason: killed
>  last msg: {'EXIT',<0.292.0>,killed}
>     state: {st,<0.292.0>,couch_mrview_index,undefined}
> [error] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.379464Z couchdb@localhost <0.290.0> -------- 
> CRASH REPORT Process  (<0.290.0>) with 0 neighbors exited with reason: killed 
> at gen_server:terminate/7(line:804) <= proc_lib:init_p_do_apply/3(line:237); 
> initial_call: {couch_index_compactor,init,['Argument__1']}, ancestors: 
> [<0.284.0>,<0.280.0>], messages: [], links: [], dictionary: [], trap_exit: 
> true, status: running, heap_size: 376, stack_size: 27, reductions: 133
> [error] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.379557Z couchdb@localhost <0.295.0> -------- 
> CRASH REPORT Process  (<0.295.0>) with 0 neighbors exited with reason: killed 
> at gen_server:terminate/7(line:804) <= proc_lib:init_p_do_apply/3(line:237); 
> initial_call: {couch_index_compactor,init,['Argument__1']}, ancestors: 
> [<0.292.0>,<0.291.0>], messages: [], links: [], dictionary: [], trap_exit: 
> true, status: running, heap_size: 376, stack_size: 27, reductions: 137
> [error] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.379610Z couchdb@localhost <0.294.0> -------- 
> gen_server <0.294.0> terminated with reason: killed
>  last msg: {'EXIT',<0.292.0>,killed}
>     state: {st,<0.292.0>,couch_mrview_index,nil}
> [error] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.379690Z couchdb@localhost <0.294.0> -------- 
> CRASH REPORT Process  (<0.294.0>) with 0 neighbors exited with reason: killed 
> at gen_server:terminate/7(line:804) <= proc_lib:init_p_do_apply/3(line:237); 
> initial_call: {couch_index_updater,init,['Argument__1']}, ancestors: 
> [<0.292.0>,<0.291.0>], messages: [], links: [], dictionary: [], trap_exit: 
> true, status: running, heap_size: 376, stack_size: 27, reductions: 141
> [error] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.379750Z couchdb@localhost <0.287.0> -------- 
> gen_server <0.287.0> terminated with reason: killed
>  last msg: {'EXIT',<0.284.0>,killed}
>     state: {st,<0.284.0>,couch_mrview_index,nil}
> [error] 2017-08-10T04:22:55.379826Z couchdb@localhost <0.287.0> -------- 
> CRASH REPORT Process  (<0.287.0>) with 0 neighbors exited with reason: killed 
> at gen_server:terminate/7(line:804) <= proc_lib:init_p_do_apply/3(line:237); 
> initial_call: {couch_index_updater,init,['Argument__1']}, ancestors: 
> [<0.284.0>,<0.280.0>], messages: [], links: [], dictionary: [], trap_exit: 
> true, status: running, heap_size: 376, stack_size: 27, reductions: 149
>> On 10 Aug 2017, at 01:07, Joan Touzet <woh...@apache.org> wrote:
>> All,
>> We have reports from some users that they are unable to get the
>> new macOS CouchDB 2.1.0 binary to start correctly.
>> With the help of a user, we have two workarounds you can use to
>> fix the problem. They are documented here:
>> https://github.com/apache/couchdb/issues/739#issuecomment-321404864
>> We have a delay in uploading a fixed macOS binary for about two
>> weeks. Until then, please use either of these two workarounds to
>> get the current binary running correctly if you have problems.
>> All the best,
>> Joan

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