On Mon, Sep 4, 2017 at 2:04 AM Lalit Kushwah <
lalit.kush...@hotwaxsystems.com> wrote:

> Hello All,

Hello, Lalit, and welcome!

I am highly inspired by such a great community and team work. So I would
> like to contribute in making CouchDB ore strengthful.

The CouchDB community inspired me to get involved and also to learn Erlang
about 9 years ago and I'm so glad it continues to do that.

> I am a Software Developer and new to Erlang. So can anyone of you please
> guide me that from where I can start?

I have not been much involved in code of CouchDB in the past few years, but
I would love to help you get started.

I suggest to work through some Erlang tutorials until you feel you have a
basic grasp of the language. The first part of the book "Concurrent
Programming in Erlang" seems to be available for free [1]. "Learn You Some
Erlang" [2] might be good, but I don't know for sure. Other people on this
list may have suggestions.

Make sure you join the IRC or the Slack channel, whichever you prefer [3].
That's a great way to get to know other people in the community and listen
to conversations about development.

Start by building CouchDB from source to make sure you have all the tools
you need. Then, read recent commits or pull requests of other contributors
or pick one module at a time and study it to see how it works. When you
feel ready, ask for recommendations on small patches you can contribute, or
pick up a stale pull request that seems to be ignored and rescue it. Often,
there are small issues that no one has had time to fix yet, but are
friendly for new contributors.

Don't hesitate to ask questions or to share patches in progress for
feedback and have fun!

[1] http://erlang.org/download/erlang-book-part1.pdf
[2] http://learnyousomeerlang.com/
[3] http://couchdb.apache.org/#chat

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