All, I have word from Paul Davis that he Has Thoughts ™ on this,
but is also not physically well, so he needs a bit more time to

If no one objects, I'll keep this vote open until he's able to reply.
We hope that's by Monday.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Joan Touzet" <>
Cc: "CouchDB PMC" <>
Sent: Thursday, 8 February, 2018 10:31:43 AM
Subject: Re: [AMEND OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS] Bylaws revision: HTTP API change 

This is my own +1 vote.

With Alex and Jan's votes, this may now pass (in ~60 hours); other PMC
members should speak up now if they have concerns. I would like to
pass this key change with unanimous consent.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Joan Touzet" <>
To: "CouchDB Developers" <>
Cc: "CouchDB PMC" <>
Sent: Thursday, 8 February, 2018 12:25:13 AM
Subject: [AMEND OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS] Bylaws revision: HTTP API change 

Hello PMC Members and developers,

Subsequent to the confusion recently over the proposed change to an
as-of-yet-unreleased API change, and follow-on concerns that existing
HTTP API endpoints not be deprecated without sufficient warning, I am
proposing a change to the CouchDB Bylaws.

This change proposes a mandatory developer mailing list notification and
at least a Lazy Consensus decision whenever a backwards-incompatible
change is made to a release branch, or to master. It encourages the same
for any non-breaking change, but stops short of requiring it.

It also takes the step that changes to master constitute a technical
decision of the project, since our intention is that master is always
releasable, and quite often new minor releases of CouchDB are forked
from master, not the previous major or minor release branch.

As this is a "Create or amend any document marked as official"
decision, it is being announced to the main development list. A lazy
2/3rds majority is required to pass the change, meaning to pass it must
garner three or more binding +1 votes, and twice as many binding +1
votes as binding -1 votes. Only PMC Members may cast binding votes. No
vetoes are allowed.

CouchDB PMC, please vote now.


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