
Andy Wenk
Hamburg - Germany

GPG public key:

> On 5. Jul 2018, at 11:21, Garren Smith <gar...@apache.org> wrote:
> +1 to this as well. We just don't have enough dev's to do this, and I would
> rather see us focusing on CouchDB 2.x
> On Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 10:26 AM, Robert Samuel Newson <rnew...@apache.org>
> wrote:
>> +1
>> I am also for the proposal to officially deprecate couchdb 1.x.
>> I would not want to see back-porting or new feature work in 1.x even if a
>> theoretical 3 person team were to materialise. Of course any such team that
>> does appear could fork couchdb 1.x and work on it independently (the only
>> caveat being that it could not be called "couchdb").
>> I agree with Joan and Jan that we are simply recognising reality here.
>> There is no one developing on the 1.x branch and hasn't been for ages. It
>> is time for us to officially let it go.
>> B.
>>> On 5 Jul 2018, at 09:18, Jan Lehnardt <j...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> On 4. Jul 2018, at 22:51, Joan Touzet <woh...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>> DISCLAIMER: This is a non-technical proposal to make a project decision.
>>>> Per our Bylaws[1], this means that it should "normally be made with lazy
>>>> consensus, or by the entire community using discussion-led
>>>> consensus-building, and not through formal voting." However, since the
>>>> intent is to make a significant policy change, this concrete proposal
>>>> should be considered as a *lazy consensus* decision with a *7 day*
>>>> timeframe (expiring on or about 2017-07-11, 23:59 UTC. Please give this
>>>> thread your ample consideration.
>>>> I would like to table[2] a proposal to terminate official Apache support
>>>> for CouchDB 1.x. This means that:
>>>> 1. The Apache CouchDB project will no longer make new 1.x releases.
>>>> 2. All remaining 1.x issues in JIRA and GH Issues will be closed.
>>>> 3. Everyone can continue to use 1.x as long as they want.
>>>> 4. People are welcome to continue discussing 1.x on the users@ list.
>>>> The reason is simple: no one is maintaining the 1.x.x branches of
>>>> CouchDB anymore. Issues stack up on the tracker[3] with no response.
>>>> Original grand plans of back-porting 2.x features such as Mango to 1.x
>>>> have not materialised. And when important security issues surface[4],
>>>> having to patch 1.x as well as 2.x slows down the security team's
>>>> ability to push releases quickly out the door.
>>>> By focusing on what we do best - supporting 2.x and beyond with bug
>>>> fixes, new features, and ever-improving documentation and web UI - we
>>>> can improve our release cadence and avoid misleading our user base
>>>> with false promises.
>>>> THAT SAID: There are two important footnotes to the proposal.
>>>> FIRST: If a group of interested maintainers start making active efforts
>>>> to improve 1.x branch upkeep, I can speak with the full authority of the
>>>> PMC to say that we'll endorse those efforts. But to un-mothball
>>>> 1.x officially should require more than 1-2 people doing occasional
>>>> bugfixing work. I'd personally want to see at least a 3-person team
>>>> making sustained contributions to 1.x before re-activating official
>>>> releases. Also, that work would need to be in-line with work currently
>>>> happening on master; I wouldn't want to see new 1.x features materialise
>>>> that don't have parallel commits to master. (Much preferred would be to
>>>> see people fixing the things in 2.x that prevent people migrating off
>>>> of 1.x instead.)
>>>> SECOND: Let a thousand forks bloom. If you're looking to build a CouchDB
>>>> 1.x fork that has baked in geo/full text search, Mango, Fauxton, and
>>>> can run on VMS, OS/2 Warp 4, NeXTStep 3.x, and Palm, have at it. I'll
>>>> even write a blog post about your project. (Sounds interesting!)
>>>> Again, this proposal defaults to lazy consensus with a 7-day expiry
>>>> period. CouchDB committers have binding "votes" on this proposal.
>>> +1
>>> Best
>>> Jan
>>> —
>>>> Thanks for your consideration,
>>>> Joan "to infinity, and beyond" Touzet
>>>> [1] http://couchdb.apache.org/bylaws.html#decisions
>>>> [2] In the non-U.S. sense of the word, i.e., meaning to begin
>>>>  consideration of a proposal.
>>>> [3] https://s.apache.org/couchdb-1.x-issues
>>>> [4] https://s.apache.org/wdnW
>>> --
>>> Professional Support for Apache CouchDB:
>>> https://neighbourhood.ie/couchdb-support/

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