
Currently, _session cookies auto-renew. From what I can read of the code, I 
think this is via [1] calling into [2], which will put a Set-Cookie header on 
the response.

What this means, I think, is that if I can retrieve your session cookie in some 
way, then ensure I keep making calls within the expiration time of the original 
cookie and it's auto-renewed descendants, I have an ever-lasting way to access 
your CouchDB data.

(Nearly everlasting, anyway, as the password update process will change the 
password hashing salt which forms a part of what the cookie's signature signs 
over. Nonetheless, this requires the user notice the compromise and update 
their password to invalidate existing sessions. For many attacks, it easy to 
get valuable data without tripping alarm bells.)

As far as I can see, this isn't a configurable option. What are the thoughts of 
the list for removing the auto-renew function given its security risks? From 
what I understand, this has been CouchDB's behaviour ~forever, so I can see 
perhaps it's a risky change.



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