Now that you mention it …

Blind writes also do not conflict with one another, so a bunch of writers 
updating a single key _without_ reading it is OK. The DB info endpoint would 
have to be careful to use a snapshot read, but I was wrong in stating that just 
updating this single key would cause a bunch of conflicts.

Regardless, I agree with you that it’s still preferable to just read from the 
tail of the changes space and avoid the extra write altogether.


> On Apr 9, 2019, at 11:14 AM, Paul Davis <> wrote:
> I've only got two notes for color.
> I'm pretty sure that keeping the update_seq as a key could be fine
> since its an atomic op underneath and shouldn't conflict. However
> given that we're looking to store an Incarnation and Batch Id with
> every version stamp I still think it makes better sense to read from
> the end of the changes feed as that means we're only doing the update
> logic in a single place.
> For the offset calculation I'll just mention that its the same
> scenario as custom JS reduces in that we need to be able to calculate
> some value over and arbitrary range of keys. For custom JS reduces I
> could see having the complexity (if we go that route) however for
> offset its not very useful. Especially given fdb transaction
> limitations which means its not necessarily valid any time we have to
> use multiple transactions to satisfy a read from the index.
> On Tue, Apr 9, 2019 at 3:12 AM Robert Newson <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I agree with all of this.
>> On "sizes", we should clean up the various places that the different sizes 
>> are reported. I suggest we stick with just the "sizes" object, which will 
>> have two items, 'external' which will be jiffy's estimate of the body as 
>> json plus the length of all attachments (only if held within fdb) and 'file' 
>> which will be the sum of the lengths of the keys and values in fdb for the 
>> Directory (excluding the sum key/value itself). (the long way of saying I 
>> agree with what you already said).
>> On "offset", I agree we should remove it. It's of questionable value today, 
>> so let's call it out as an API change in the appropriate RFC section. The 
>> fdb release (ostensibly "4.0") is an opportunity to clean up some API cruft. 
>> Given we know about this one early, we should also remove it in 3.0.
>> --
>>  Robert Samuel Newson
>> On Mon, 8 Apr 2019, at 23:33, Adam Kocoloski wrote:
>>> Hi all, a recent comment from Paul on the revision model RFC reminded
>>> me that we should have a discussion on how we maintain aggregate
>>> statistics about databases stored in FoundationDB. I’ll ignore the
>>> statistics associated with secondary indexes for the moment, assuming
>>> that the design we put in place for document data can serve as the
>>> basis for an extension there.
>>> The first class of statistics are the ones we report in GET /<dbname>,
>>> which are documented here:
>>> These fall into a few different classes:
>>> doc_count, doc_del_count: these should be maintained using
>>> FoundationDB’s atomic operations. The revision model RFC enumerated all
>>> the possible update paths and showed that we always have enough
>>> information to know whether to increment or decrement each of these
>>> counters; i.e., we always know when we’re removing the last
>>> deleted=false branch, adding a new branch to a previously-deleted
>>> document, etc.
>>> update_seq: this must _not_ be maintained as its own key; attempting to
>>> do so would cause every write to the database to conflict with every
>>> other write and kill throughput. Rather, we can do a limit=1 range read
>>> on the end of the ?CHANGES space to retrieve the current sequence of
>>> the database.
>>> sizes.*: things get a little weird here. Historically we relied on the
>>> relationship between and sizes.file to know when to
>>> trigger a database compaction, but we don’t yet have a need for
>>> compaction in the FDB-based data model and it’s not clear how we should
>>> define these two quantities. The sizes.external field has also been a
>>> little fuzzy. Ignoring the various definitions of “size” for the
>>> moment, let’s agree that we’ll want to be tracking some set of byte
>>> counts for each database. I think the way we should do this is by
>>> extending the information stored in each edit branch in ?REVISIONS to
>>> included the size(s) of the current revision. When we update a document
>>> we need to compare the size(s) of the new revision with the size(s) of
>>> the parent, and update the database level atomic counter(s)
>>> appropriately. This requires an enhancement to RFC 001.
>>> I’d like to further propose that we track byte counts not just at a
>>> database level but also across the entire Directory associated with a
>>> single CouchDB deployment, so that FoundationDB administrators managing
>>> multiple applications for a single cluster can have a better view of
>>> per-Directory resource utilization without walking every single
>>> database stored inside.
>>> Looking past the DB info endpoint, one other statistic worth discussing
>>> is the “offset” field included with every response to an _all_docs
>>> request. This is not something that we get for free in FoundationDB,
>>> and I have to confess it seems to be of limited utility. We could
>>> support this by implementing a tree structure by adding additional
>>> aggregation keys on top of the keys stored in the _all_docs space, but
>>> I’m skeptical that it’s worth baking this extra cost into every
>>> database update and _all_docs operation. I’d like to hear others’
>>> thoughts on this one.
>>> I haven’t yet looked closely at _stats and _system to see if any of
>>> those metrics require specific support from FDB.
>>> Adam

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