Hi Adam,

I'll bring up a concern from a recent client with whom I engaged.

They're on 1.x. On 1.x they have been doing 50k bulk update operations in a single request. 1.x doesn't time out. The updates are such that they guarantee that none will result in a conflict or be rejected, so all 50k are accepted. They do this so it appears atomic to the next reader - a read from another client can't occur in the middle of the big update, because we have a single couch_file in 1.x.

Obviously, in 2.x this doesn't work on two levels. First, there's multiple readers and writers across a cluster, so the big bulk operation doesn't act as a blocker until it's finished for any interposed reads. Second, you can't reliably finish 50k updates in a single batch in a cluster anyway, because you'll probably hit the fabric timeout, if not other cluster timeouts.

As a general rule of thumb, I advise people to keep bulk document updates to no more than batches of 1k at a time, with the understanding that in 2.x these are not treated as an atomic transaction (and they weren't strictly that way in 1.x, either, but never mind that...)

If we decide as a project that all operations must take less than 5 seconds, we're probably going to have to reduce the bulk update batch size even further. I'm betting 100 would be the upper bound on bulk updates.

Is this going to impose a significant performance penalty on bulk ops?


On 2019-04-26 3:30 p.m., Adam Kocoloski wrote:
Hi all,

The point I’m on is that we should take advantage of this extra bit of 
information that we acquire out-of-band (e.g. we just decide as a project that 
all operations take less than 5 seconds) and come up with smarter / cheaper / 
faster ways of doing load shedding based on that information.

For example, yes it could be interesting to use is_process_alive/1 to see if a 
client is still hanging around, and have the gen_server discard the work 
otherwise. It might also be too expensive to matter; I’m not sure anyone here 
has a good a priori sense of the cost of that call. But I’d certainly wager 
it’s more expensive than calling timer:now_diff/2 in the server and discarding 
any requests that were submitted more than 5 seconds ago.

Most of our timeout / cleanup solutions to date have been focused top-down, 
without making any assumptions about the behavior of the workers or servers 
underneath. I think we should try to approach this problem bottoms-up, forcing 
every call to complete within 5 seconds and handling timeouts correctly as they 
bubble up.


On Apr 23, 2019, at 2:48 PM, Nick Vatamaniuc <vatam...@gmail.com> wrote:

We don't spawn (/link) or monitor remote processes, just monitor the local
coordinator process. That should cheaper performance-wise. It's also for
relatively long running streaming fabric requests (changes, all_docs). But
you're right, perhaps doing these for shorter requests (doc updates, doc
GETs) might become noticeable. Perhaps a pool of reusable monitoring
processes work there...

For couch_server timeouts. I wonder if we can do a simpler thing and
inspect the `From` part of each call and if the Pid is not alive drop the
requestor at least avoid doing any expensive processing. For casts it might
involve sending a sender Pid in the message. That doesn't address timeouts,
just the case where the coordinating process went away while the message
was stuck in the long message queue.

On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 4:32 PM Robert Newson <rnew...@apache.org> wrote:

My memory is fuzzy, but those items sound a lot like what happens with
rex, that motivated us (i.e, Adam) to build rexi, which deliberately does
less than the stock approach.

  Robert Samuel Newson

On Mon, 22 Apr 2019, at 18:33, Nick Vatamaniuc wrote:
Hi everyone,

We partially implement the first part (cleaning rexi workers) for all
fabric streaming requests. Which should be all_docs, changes, view map,
view reduce:


The pattern there is the following:

- With every request spawn a monitoring process that is in charge of
keeping track of all the workers as they are spawned.
- If regular cleanup takes place, then this monitoring process is
to avoid sending double the number of kill messages to workers.
- If the coordinating process doesn't run cleanup and just dies, the
monitoring process will performs cleanup on its behalf.


On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 5:16 PM Robert Samuel Newson <rnew...@apache.org


My view is a) the server was unavailable for this request due to all
other requests it’s currently dealing with b) the connection was not
the client is not at fault.


On 18 Apr 2019, at 22:03, Done Collectively <sans...@inator.biz>

Any reason 408 would be undesirable?


On Thu, Apr 18, 2019 at 10:37 AM Robert Newson <rnew...@apache.org>

503 imo.

Robert Samuel Newson

On Thu, 18 Apr 2019, at 18:24, Adam Kocoloski wrote:
Yes, we should. Currently it’s a 500, maybe there’s something more



On Apr 18, 2019, at 12:50 PM, Joan Touzet <woh...@apache.org>

What happens when it turns out the client *hasn't* timed out and
just...hang up on them? Should we consider at least trying to send
some sort of HTTP status code?


On 2019-04-18 10:58, Garren Smith wrote:
I'm +1 on this. With partition queries, we added a few more
can be enabled which Cloudant enable. So having the ability to
requests when these timeouts get hit would be great.


On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 2:41 AM Adam Kocoloski <

Hi all,

For once, I’m coming to you with a topic that is not strictly
FoundationDB :)

CouchDB offers a few config settings (some of them
undocumented) to
put a
limit on how long the server is allowed to take to generate a
response. The
trouble with many of these timeouts is that, when they fire,
they do
actually clean up all of the work that they initiated. A couple

- Each HTTP response coordinated by the “fabric” application
several ephemeral processes via “rexi" on different nodes in the
cluster to
retrieve data and send it back to the process coordinating the
response. If
the request timeout fires, the coordinating process will be
off, but
the ephemeral workers might not be. In a healthy cluster they’ll
exit on
their own when they finish their jobs, but there are conditions
under which
they can sit around for extended periods of time waiting for an
gen_server (e.g. couch_server) to respond.

- Those named gen_servers (like couch_server) responsible for
access to important data structures will dutifully process
received from old requests without any regard for (of even
the fact that the client that sent the message timed out long
This can
lead to a sort of death spiral in which the gen_server is
spending ~all of its time serving dead clients and every client

I’d like to see us introduce a documented maximum request
for all
requests except the _changes feed, and then use that
information to
aid in
load shedding throughout the stack. We can audit the codebase
gen_server calls with long timeouts (I know of a few on the
that set their timeouts to `infinity`) and we can design servers
efficiently drop old requests, knowing that the client who made
must have timed out. A couple of topics for discussion:

- the “gen_server that sheds old requests” is a very generic
pattern, one
that seems like it could be well-suited to its own behaviour. A
search of the internet didn’t turn up any prior art here, which
me a bit. I’m wondering if this is worth bringing up with the
Erlang community.

- setting and enforcing timeouts is a healthy pattern for
requests as it gives a lot more feedback to clients about the
of the
server. When it comes to updates things are a little bit more
because there remains a chance that an update can be committed,
caller times out before learning of the successful commit. We
try to
minimize the likelihood of that occurring.

Cheers, Adam

P.S. I did say that this wasn’t _strictly_ about FoundationDB,
course FDB has a hard 5 second limit on all transactions, so it
is a
bit of
a forcing function :).Even putting FoundationDB aside, I would
to pursue this path based on our Ops experience with the current

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