I'm pretty happy with the ExUnit we've got going for the HTTP
interface and would be an enthusiastic +1 on starting to use it for
internals as well.

The only thing I'd say is that the adapter concept while interesting
doesn't feel like it would be that interesting for our particular
situation. I could see it being useful for the 5984/5986 distinction
since its the same code underneath and we'd only be munging a few
differences for testing. However, as Garren points out 5986 is going
to disappear one way or another so long term not a huge deal.

For testing HTTP vs Fabric layer I'd wager that it'll turn out to be
not very useful. There's a *lot* of code in chttpd that mutates
results returned from fabric functions. Attempting to do meaningful
tests using logic based on adapaters seems to me like it means that
you'd have to either reimplement chttpd bug-complete in the fabric
adapter, or do some sort of weird inverted-chttpd in the HTTP adapter
such that your tests can make the same assertions. And neither of
those ideas sounds like a good idea to me.

Currently my ideal approach would be to start by implementing a test
suite that covers fabric thoroughly (based on at least code coverage
and possibly unnamed other tooling), and then move to chttpd and do
the same. That way each test suite is focused on a particular layer of
concern rather than trying to formulate a single suite that tests two
different layers.

On Thu, May 23, 2019 at 6:21 AM Ilya Khlopotov <iil...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Joan,
> My answers inline
> On 2019/05/22 20:16:18, Joan Touzet <woh...@apache.org> wrote:
> > Hi Ilya, thanks for starting this thread. Comments inline.
> >
> > On 2019-05-22 14:42, Ilya Khlopotov wrote:
> > > The eunit testing framework is very hard to maintain. In particular, it 
> > > has the following problems:
> > > - the process structure is designed in such a way that failure in setup 
> > > or teardown of one test affects the execution environment of subsequent 
> > > tests. Which makes it really hard to locate the place where the problem 
> > > is coming from.
> >
> > I've personally experienced this a lot when reviewing failed logfiles,
> > trying to find the *first* failure where things go wrong. It's a huge
> > problem.
> >
> > > - inline test in the same module as the functions it tests might be 
> > > skipped
> > > - incorrect usage of ?assert vs ?_assert is not detectable since it makes 
> > > tests pass
> > > - there is a weird (and hard to debug) interaction when used in 
> > > combination with meck
> > >    - https://github.com/eproxus/meck/issues/133#issuecomment-113189678
> > >    - https://github.com/eproxus/meck/issues/61
> > >    - meck:unload() must be used instead of meck:unload(Module)
> >
> > Eep! I wasn't aware of this one. That's ugly.
> >
> > > - teardown is not always run, which affects all subsequent tests
> >
> > Have first-hand experienced this one too.
> >
> > > - grouping of tests is tricky
> > > - it is hard to group tests so individual tests have meaningful 
> > > descriptions
> > >
> > > We believe that with ExUnit we wouldn't have these problems:
> >
> > Who's "we"?
> Wrong pronoun read it as I.
> >
> > > - on_exit function is reliable in ExUnit
> > > - it is easy to group tests using `describe` directive
> > > - code-generation is trivial, which makes it is possible to generate 
> > > tests from formal spec (if/when we have one)
> >
> > Can you address the timeout question w.r.t. EUnit that I raised
> > elsewhere for cross-platform compatibility testing? I know that
> > Peng ran into the same issues I did here and was looking into extending
> > timeouts.
> >
> > Many of our tests suffer from failures where CI resources are slow and
> > simply fail due to taking longer than expected. Does ExUnit have any
> > additional support here?
> >
> > A suggestion was made (by Jay Doane, I believe, on IRC) that perhaps we
> > simply remove all timeout==failure logic (somehow?) and consider a
> > timeout a hung test run, which would eventually fail the entire suite.
> > This would ultimately lead to better deterministic testing, but we'd
> > probably uncover quite a few bugs in the process (esp. against CouchDB
> > <= 4.0).
> There is one easy workaround. We could set trace: true in the config
> because one of the side effects of it is timeout = infinity (see here 
> https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/blob/master/lib/ex_unit/lib/ex_unit/runner.ex#L410).
>  However this approach has an important caveat:
> - all tests would be run sequentially which means that we wouldn't be able to 
> parallelize them latter.
> > >
> > > Here are a few examples:
> > >
> > > # Test adapters to test different interfaces using same test suite
> >
> > This is neat. I'd like someone else to comment whether this the approach
> > you define will handle the polymorphic interfaces gracefully, or if the
> > effort to parametrise/DRY out the tests will be more difficulty than
> > simply maintaining 4 sets of tests.
> >
> >
> > > # Using same test suite to compare new implementation of the same 
> > > interface with the old one
> > >
> > > Imagine that we are doing a major rewrite of a module which would 
> > > implement the same interface.
> >
> > *tries to imagine such a 'hypothetical' rewrite* :)
> > > How do we compare both implementations return the same results for the 
> > > same input?
> > > It is easy in Elixir, here is a sketch:
> >
> > Sounds interesting. I'd again like an analysis (from someone else) as to
> > how straightforward this would be to implement.
> >
> > -Joan
> >
> >

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