Of course, this will have nothing to do in terms of branding, I don't even 
think we'll use the codebase. Moreover our primarily goal isn't to offer a 
competing product to the public. It is to serve our internal needs and reduce 
our risk. We will only open-source it as a way to give back once the product is 
very mature (which is also a way to reduce support needs).

De : Robert Newson <rnew...@apache.org>
Envoyé : mercredi 10 juillet 2019 15:47
À : dev@couchdb.apache.org
Objet : Re: CouchDb Rewrite/Fork

That’s valuable feedback thank you.

Best of luck with your new project and a gentle reminder that you may not call 
it CouchDB.


> On 10 Jul 2019, at 00:07, Reddy B. <redd...@live.fr> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've checked the recent discussions and apparently July is the "vision month" 
> lol. Hopefully this email will not saturate the patience of the core team.
> We have been thinking about forking/rewriting CouchDb internally for quite 
> some time now, and this idea has reached a degree of maturity such that I'm 
> pretty confident it will materialize at this point. We hesitated between 
> doing our thing internally to then make our big open-sourcing announcement 
> 5-10 years from now when the product is battle tested, and announcing our 
> intentions here today.
> However, I realized that good things may happen by providing this feedback, 
> and that providing this type of feedback also is a way of giving back to the 
> community.
> The reason for this project is that we have lost confidence in the way the 
> vision of CouchDb aligns with our goals. As far as we are concerned, there 
> are 3 things we loved with CouchDb:
> #Map/Reduce
> We think that the benefits of Map/Reduce are very underrated. Map/reduce 
> forces developpers to approach problems differently and results in much more 
> efficient and well-thought of  application architectures and implementations. 
> This is in addition to the performance benefits since indexes are built in 
> advance in a very predictable manner (with a few well-documented caveats). 
> For this reason, our developers are forbidden from using Mango, and we 
> require them to wrap their head around problems until they are able to solve 
> them in map/reduce mode.
> However, we can see that the focus of the CouchDb project is increasingly on 
> Mango, and we have little confidence in the commitment of the project to 
> first-class citizen Map/Reduce support (while this was for us a defining 
> aspect of the identity of CouchDb).
> #Complexity of the codebase
> An open-source software that is too complex to be tweaked and hacked is for 
> all practical purposes closed-source software. You guys are VERY smart. And 
> by nature a database software system is a non-trivial piece of technology.
> Initially we felt confident that the codebase was small enough and clean 
> enough that should we really need to get our hands dirty in an emergency 
> situation, we would be able to do so. Then Mango made the situation a bit 
> blurrier, but we could easily ignore that, especially since we do not use it. 
> However with FoundationDB... this becomes a whole different story.
> The domain model of a database is non-trivial by nature, and now FoundationDb 
> will introduce an additional level of abstraction and indirection, and a very 
> serious one. I've been reading the design discussions since the FoundationDb 
> announcement and there are a lot of impedance mistmatches requiring the 
> domain model of CouchDb to be broken up in fictious entities intended to 
> accomodate FoundationDb abstractions and their limitations (I'll back to this 
> point in a moment).
> Indirection is also introduced at the business logic level, with additional 
> steps needing to be followed to emulate the desired behavior. All of this is 
> complexity and obfuscation, and to be realistic, if we already struggled with 
> the straight-to-the-point implementation, there is no way we'll be able to 
> navigate (let alone hack), the FoundationDB-based implementation.
> #(Apparent) Non-Alignment of FoundationDb with the reasons that made us love 
> CouchDb
> FoundationDb introduces limitations regarding transactions, document sizes 
> and another number of critical items. One of the main reasons we use CouchDb 
> is because of the way it allows us to develop applications rapidly and 
> flexibly address all the state storage needs of application layers. CouchDb 
> has you covered if you just want to dump large media file streamed with HTTP 
> range requests while you iterate fast and your userbase is small, and 
> replication allows you to seemless scale by distributing load on clusters in 
> advanced ways without needing to redesign your applications. The user nkosi23 
> nicely describes some of the new possibilities enabled by CouchDb:
> https://github.com/apache/couchdb/pull/1253#issuecomment-507043600
> However, the limitations introduced by FoundationDb and the spirit of their 
> project favoring abstraction purity through aggressive constraints, over 
> operational flexibility is the opposite of the reasons we loved CouchDb and 
> believed in it. It is to us pretty clear that the writing is on the wall. We 
> aren't confident in FoundationDb to cover our bases, since covering our bases 
> is explicitly not the goal of their project and their spirit is different 
> from what has made CouchDb unique (ease of use, simple yet powerful and 
> flexible abstractions etc...).
> #Lack of commitment to the ideas pioneered
> We feel like Couchdb itself undervalues the wealth of what it has brought to 
> the table. For example when it comes to architecting load balancing for all 
> sorts of applications with a single and transparent value store, CouchDb 
> enables things that simply weren't possible before, and people will need time 
> to understand how they can take advantage of them.
> Nowadays we can see sed, awk and such be used in pretty clever ways, but it 
> took time for people to incorporate the possibilities enabled by these tools 
> in their thinking process (even though system administration are much easier 
> to deploy than enterprise applications).
> I think that CouchDb should have a 10 or 20-year outlook on the paradigm 
> shifts its introduces, there is a need to give more place to faith and less 
> place to data since not every usage will be adopted within 3 years. Sometimes 
> you need to do things because you believe in them and you know you are right 
> and that eventually people will come. But right now, it feels like customer 
> statistics from Cloudant have become the main driver of the project. A 
> balanced probably can be found between aligning with business realities and 
> evangelism realities. I feel IBM guys are totally right to share their 
> insights, but if there are not faith-zealots to counter-balance, then a 
> positive may become a negative.
> #What we plan to do
> For all these reasons, CouchDb 3 will likely be the last release we will use. 
> What we are about to activate is an effort to rewrite CouchDb to focus on the 
> use case that we think makes CouchDb unique: a one-stop shop for all data 
> storage needs, no matter the type of application and load. This means 
> focusing on, on the one hand on working seamlessly with extremely large 
> attachments and documents of any size, and on the other hand replication 
> features (which goes hand in hand).
> We will also seek to resurrect old features such as list views that we think 
> need long-term faith. To make it possible from a bandwidth perspective, we 
> will make a number of radical decisions. The two most important ones may be 
> the following:
> - Only map/reduce will be supported. Far from a limitation we see this as a 
> way of life and a different way of thinking about designing line of business 
> applications. Our finding is that a line of business applications never needs 
> SQL style flexibility for the main app is the problem space has been 
> correctly modeled (instead of being Excel in the web browser). When Business 
> Analytics are really needed, the need is always very localized, and it is 
> nowadays easy enough to have an ETL pipeline on a separate instance 
> (especially considering CouchDb filtered replication capabilities).
> - Rewrite CouchDb in FSharp.
> Rewriting in Fsharp will provide all the benefits of functional programming, 
> while giving us access to a rich ecosystem of libraries, and a great static 
> type checking system. All of this will mean more time to focus on the core 
> features.
> This is in a gist pretty much the plan. This is still early stages, and the 
> way we do things, we would typically roll it out internally for a number of 
> years before announcing it to the public. So I think there will likely be a 
> 10-yearish window before you hear about this again.
> I simply wanted to provide our feedback as a friendly contribution.

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