Hi all -
Looking forward to working with all of you! As Joan mentioned, my specialty
is project management and I am excited to be able to help with planning and
tracking the next release.

Please review the board and let us know which items you are able to take on
for 3.0 (please assign issues to yourself to claim them). I will check in
in a few weeks to see if there are any questions and we'll start tagging
the 3.0 committed content and discuss timelines.



On Wed, Aug 7, 2019 at 1:19 PM Tabeth Nkangoh <tab...@tabeth.com> wrote:

> Hey Jan,
> I am actually, though I'm not sure how much help I'd be at this point
> since I'm not super familiar with the code-base. If there's been a
> recording of a deep-dive of the codebase somewhere I'd love to see it to
> get some more familiarity. Beyond what's labeled beginner-friendly on
> GitHub is there any way to see non-documentation issues that could be done
> with someone with little familiarity?
> Regarding the scheduled releases, the quarterly release was just an
> example. Good point on the build cycle. What I was thinking was just, every
> six month in this case, just taking all commits and bundling it into a
> release. In any case I can definitely help out with any documentation stuff
> for 3.0 (for example documenting the per-access control stuff) or any of
> the other functionality. In addition if you feel there's something someone
> with some beginner erlang skill and little familiarity of the project could
> tackle with minimal guidance I'd be happy to help there too!
> Tabeth
> ________________________________
> From: Jan Lehnardt <j...@apache.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2019 12:39:01 PM
> To: CouchDB Developers <dev@couchdb.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: Getting started on CouchDB 3.0, and an introduction
> Hi Tabeth,
> Are you interested in helping out with any of these things?
> This thread is meant more as a “who’s prepared to pick up which issue to
> finish before 3.0”, not a wish-list of things that would be nice to have.
> On scheduled releases, we’ve tried that in the past, and we settled on 1-2
> releases per year which fits our velocity. Quarterly releases probably
> exceed what we can reasonably ship in that time. Just bugfix releases would
> be nice, but the release machinery is not inconsequential, so we wanna be
> careful with project resources. That said, if you wanna help, we can always
> do with more release engineering help :)
> Best
> Jan
> —
> > On 7. Aug 2019, at 18:05, Tabeth Nkangoh <tab...@tabeth.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hello all!
> >
> >
> > I would argue that in addition to #1534, #1524 should definitely be part
> of 3.0. The ability to control who has access to certain documents is
> something most users would expect in 2019 at this point. Right now there's
> really no way to do this without putting a convoluted proxy to act as
> per-document access control in front of your app.
> >
> >
> > From a user perspective a 2.X to 3.X upgrade should result in a pretty
> substantial upgrade in functionality and not necessarily code improvement
> (Erlang 22 support, and Elixir test suite for example). There are other
> things I'd recommend from the backlog but as to note dilute my personal
> ask, I'd say per document access control is a must as pretty much everyone
> I know who's using CouchDB seriously in a situation that's not neatly
> set-up to fit a database-per-user will end up inevitably implementing this
> themselves.
> >
> >
> > Tabeth
> >
> >
> > P.S. As an aside, has there been thoughts on scheduling upgrades on a
> time basis as opposed to feature basis, ala EmberJS or Ubuntu? What this
> would mean in practice is that at some cadence, e.g. 4 times a year
> everything done at that point would be wrapped up in a new version. I think
> this would help the community in that there's a steady march towards
> functionality being available for production use. This would also tighten
> the feedback loop between releases and feedback.
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> > From: Joan Touzet <woh...@apache.org>
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2019 11:52:01 AM
> > To: CouchDB Developers <dev@couchdb.apache.org>
> > Subject: Getting started on CouchDB 3.0, and an introduction
> >
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> >
> >
> > Now that we have a path forward for FoundationDB, we also need to get
> > moving on our best-and-greatest CouchDB-as-is release, namely the 3.x
> > branch.
> >
> > If we were to cut CouchDB 3.0 from master today, we'd already have a lot
> > of great new things since 2.3.1:
> >
> > * Partitioned DBs
> >  * Open PRs: https://github.com/apache/couchdb-documentation/pull/385
> > * Cloudant-donated industrial-strength IOQ replacement
> > * Cloudant-donated compaction daemon replacement ("smoosh")
> > * Cloudant-donated view warmer ("ken")
> > * Ready for Cloudant Search, if installed separately (no recompile)
> > * Native shard splitting functionality
> > * Improved test suite (JavaScript -> Elixir)
> > * Erlang 22 support
> > * Fix for rare fsync error encountered by Postgres in 2018
> >
> > But we planned for a few more things for 3.0, as you can see in the
> > "Proposed 3.x" column here:
> >
> >  https://github.com/apache/couchdb/projects/1
> >
> > It would be good for us to decide which of these are making it into 3.0
> > itself. At a minimum, we need #1534. I am actively working on #1523, and
> > I know Jan is actively working on #1524.
> >
> > There's also the backlog column - we should determine if any of those
> > make sense for 3.0 as well. I see a few I'd love to have in there
> > personally, but don't have the time to commit to them just now.
> >
> > ---
> >
> > Also, allow me to introduce Deni Burroughs, who has been lurking on the
> > list for a while now. Deni is the dbcore Cloudant Engineering Manager,
> > and she'd like to help coordinate getting 3.0 out the door. Her area of
> > expertise is in non-technical project management, which is great,
> > because we could use more help in keeping our cats corralled! :)
> >
> > She and I had a chat a few weeks ago, and now seemed like the best time
> > to introduce her to the list. Please make her feel welcome!
> >
> > -Joan
> >

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