Hi Everyone,

Instead of automatically and immediately removing data and index in database 
after a delete operation, soft-deletion allows to restore the deleted data back 
to original state due to a “fat finger”or undesired delete operation, up to 
defined periods, such as 48 hours.

In CouchDB 3.0, soft-deletion of database is implemented in [1]. The .couch 
file is renamed with the .<timestamp>.deleted.couch file after soft-deletion is 
enabled, and such file can be changed back to .couch for the purpose of 
restore. If restore is not needed and some specified period passed, the 
.<timestamp>.deleted.couch file can be deleted to achieve deletion of database 

In CouchDB 4.0, with the introduction of FoundationDB, the data model and 
storage is changed. In order to support soft-deletion, we propose below 
solution and then implement them. 

## Proposed Data model change

In CouchDB 4.0, directories and indirection access in FoundationDB are already 
used to better build data model. One key/value pair is used to build reference 
from Dbkey to DbPrefix. All other key/value pairs are based on DbPrefix instead 
of DbKey. This decouples the direct relationship between DBName and data in 
this database. The current implementation for `DBKey -> DBPrefix` is in [2]. So 
you can see below information in FoundationDB using fdbcli, etc.

{?ALL_DBS, DbName} -> {?DBS, DbName}
{?DBS, DbName, other part of key} -> <value>

To support soft-deletion, especially allowing one database to be 
deleted/re-created multiple time, we need to use different DbPrefix for the 
same DbKey/DBName. The proposed change is to use a unique value allocated via 
High Contention Allocator(HCA) algorithm in [3].

    DbPrefixAllocator = erlfdb_hca:create(?ERLFDB_EXTEND(DbId, <<"hca">>)),,
    DbPrefix = erlfdb_hca:allocate(DBPrefixAllocator, Tx),
    erlfdb:set(Tx, DbKey, DbPrefix),

The data in FoundationDB looks like:

{?ALL_DBS, DbName} -> <unique key allocated by hca>
{<unique key allocated by hca>, other part of key} -> <value>

Using HCA algorithm, it can acquire one unique key quickly while avoiding 
conflicting. The more important, it is shorter enough to save space because 
`DBPrefix` exists in almost every key/value pair for database.

## Soft-deletion, restore and permanent-deletion

Once database is soft-deleted, the only action is to change `DBKey -> DBPrefix` 
pair. All other data for this data is not changed. In order to give clear 
namespace management, the proposal is to move DBkey from `?ALL_DBS` to 
`?DELETED_DBS`. The timestamp when database was deleted is added to `DBKey` so 
that we can know when the data in this database can be permantenly restored. 
The `DBKey -> DBPrefix` pair is changed to 

{?DELETED_DBS, DbName, TimeStamp} -> <unique key allocated by hca>

There is a background task to clear the ranges eventually. Depending on setting 
on how long the soft-deleted database will be kept, such as 48 hours, the 
background task will check `DELETED_DBS` namespace, and find eligible key/value 
pairs, and delete data associated with this `DBPrefix` and then delete 
DbKey/DbPrefix pair finally.

Overtime, it is possible that database can be deleted several times. The 
`_deleted_dbs_info` endpoint is proposed to list information about all deleted 
instances for the specified database, including deletion timestamp, document 
counts and disk size, etc. This allows users to identify which one to be 
restored. Also it also provides information for billing. In given period, such 
as 48 hours, the deletion times of same database is most likely limited, the 
design API is to list all instances in one time using GET method with query 

After deciding which instance to be restored, users can use the `_restore` 
endpoint with `deletedTS` to restore database. The underlying logic is to 
change `DBKey -> DBPrefix` back to   

{?ALL_DBS, DbName} -> <unique key allocated by hca>

Considering the sensitive actions, the `_deleted_dbs_info` and `_restore` 
endpoints are supposed to be an admin-only endpoints only to allow granted user 
to restore the database.

##view index and search index

Although view index and search index is based on the `DBPrefix`, the change of 
value of `DBPrefix` doesn't have impact on storage and search of view index and 
search index because `DBPrefix` is one opaque value. If database is 
soft-deleted, the `DBkey -> DBPrefix` pair is changed so that any access to 
view index and search index will be blocked with `"Database does not exist."` 
error. This is expected. 

The only thing we need to care is to stop all indexing or pending requests for 
soft-deleted database.

## API

1)  `DELETE /{db}`

There is no change on this endpoint [4] to send DELETE against one database. 
The soft-deletion is triggered once [couchdb][enable_database_recovery] is set 
to true in configuration file.

2)  `GET /{db}/_deleted_dbs_info`

    returning basic information of all deleted instances for the specified 
database, including when the instance was deleted.

        db –Database name

    Request Headers:
        Content-Type –application/json

    Response Headers:

        Content-Type –

    Status Codes:       

        200 OK –Request completed successfully
        404 Not Found –Requested database not found


    GET /db/_deleted_dbs_info HTTP/1.1
    Accept: application/json
    Host: localhost:5984


    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Cache-Control: must-revalidate
    Content-Type: application/json
        "total_rows": 2,
        "rows": [{
                "deleted_when": "20200318.071532",
                "info": {
                        "update_seq": "0000019100b5992700000000",
                        "doc_del_count": 0,
                        "doc_count": 3,
                        "sizes": {
                                "external": 287,
                                "views": 0
        }, {
                "deleted_when": "20200318.071703",
                "info": {
                        "update_seq": "0000019105f0e29900000000",
                        "doc_del_count": 0,
                        "doc_count": 2,
                        "sizes": {
                                "external": 200,
                                "views": 0

3) `PUT /{db}/_restore/{deletedTS}`

    Restore a deleted database. 

        db –Database name
        deletedTS - timestamp when database was deleted

    Request Headers:

        Accept –

    Response Headers:

        Content-Type –
            text/plain; charset=utf-8

    Response JSON Object:

        ok (boolean) –Operation status. Available in case of success
        error (string) –Error type. Available if response code is 4xx
        reason (string) –Error description. Available if response code is 4xx

    Status Codes:   

        200 Restored –Database restored successfully 
        400 Bad Request –Invalid database name or deleted timestamp
        401 Unauthorized –CouchDB Server Administrator privileges required
        412 Precondition Failed –Database already exists
What do you think of that? Any questions or thoughts on this? Once again a big 
acknowledgment to Nick and Paul who helped with initial design and provide 
consultation on this.

Peng Hui

[3] https://activesphere.com/blog/2018/08/05/high-contention-allocator 
[4] https://docs.couchdb.org/en/stable/api/database/common.html#delete--db

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