Looking good. I'm going to skip the database internals as I'm not at all 
qualified to comment. I do have some comments on the HTTP API however.

First, I think this API spec is missing how you find databases which have 
soft-deleted versions. For example, this could be:

    - lists only live databases

    - lists only dbs with at least one soft-deleted version
    - API identical otherwise to _all_dbs

Secondly, this API lacks the ability to restore a soft-deleted database to a 
new database, you can only restore a soft-deleted database to the original 
name, which could be over the top of a new database. I suspect this could be 
problematic in day-to-day use. I'd propose:

- You can't restore a soft-deleted database on top of a "live" database. This 
prevents data loss from a restore.
- Support for the ability to restore a database to a new database path.

Could you also clarify whether the restore operation "removes" the soft-deleted 
version. My assumption is yes, that we're just switching back the database into 
the "live" keyspace.

An alternative API takes the conceptual model of deleted databases moving to a 
"recycle bin" within the API's namespace. I quite like this, but it's just how 
it works for me; others may hate it. The original proposal, to me, takes the 
approach that every database has it's own "recycle bin", so this is merely 
altering the conceptual containers here. 

Mostly, I found that the following way feels a bit more RESTful in that there 
is a specific set of deleted database resources, and you avoid the cognitive 
dissonance of being able to carry out operations on non-existent resources.

In brief it roots operations on soft-deleted databases in a /_deleted_dbs 
namespace rather than augmenting existing endpoints:

GET /_all_dbs
    - lists only live databases (noted just to clarify this)

GET /_deleted_dbs 
    - lists only dbs with at least one soft-deleted version
    - API identical otherwise to _all_dbs
    - It's a bit confusing to me that there can be overlap
        between _deleted_dbs and _all_dbs as a given database may 
        have live and soft-deleted versions, but perhaps this is okay.

GET /_deleted_dbs/{db}
    - Equivalent to `GET /{db}/_deleted_dbs_info` in original.
    - To me, this makes it very clear that a deleted db has only one 
        operation -- get the metadata -- rather than hanging the 
        on a path that could be a live database or a non-existent database.

POST /_deleted_dbs/_restore
    - Restore a database at a given timestamp
    - Allows supplying a destination database.
    - I view _restore as an RPC-like call than a REST call, so it has a body 
        containing the arguments rather than supplying as part of the path:

         { "source": {"db": "animaldb", "ts": "<deletedTS>"}, "destination": 

    - Fails if "destination" exists.

If we choose to go with the original suggestion, I would still suggest taking 
the RPC approach to restore, meaning it looks like this:

    POST /{db}/_restore

    { "sourceTS": "<deletedTS>", "destination": "animaldb"}

For either approach, "destination" could be optional and default to the 
original database name.


On Wed, 18 Mar 2020, at 12:04, jiangph wrote:
> ## API
> 1)  `DELETE /{db}`
> There is no change on this endpoint [4] to send DELETE against one 
> database. The soft-deletion is triggered once 
> [couchdb][enable_database_recovery] is set to true in configuration 
> file.
> 2)  `GET /{db}/_deleted_dbs_info`
>     returning basic information of all deleted instances for the 
> specified database, including when the instance was deleted.
>     Parameters:       
>         db –Database name
>     Request Headers:
>         Content-Type –application/json
>     Response Headers:
>         Content-Type –
>             application/json
>     Status Codes:     
>         200 OK –Request completed successfully
>         404 Not Found –Requested database not found
>     Request:
>     GET /db/_deleted_dbs_info HTTP/1.1
>     Accept: application/json
>     Host: localhost:5984
>     Response:
>     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
>     Cache-Control: must-revalidate
>     Content-Type: application/json
>     {
>       "total_rows": 2,
>       "rows": [{
>               "deleted_when": "20200318.071532",
>               "info": {
>                       "update_seq": "0000019100b5992700000000",
>                       "doc_del_count": 0,
>                       "doc_count": 3,
>                       "sizes": {
>                               "external": 287,
>                               "views": 0
>                       }
>               }
>       }, {
>               "deleted_when": "20200318.071703",
>               "info": {
>                       "update_seq": "0000019105f0e29900000000",
>                       "doc_del_count": 0,
>                       "doc_count": 2,
>                       "sizes": {
>                               "external": 200,
>                               "views": 0
>                       }
>               }
>       }]
>     }
> 3) `PUT /{db}/_restore/{deletedTS}`
>     Restore a deleted database. 
>     Parameters: 
>         db –Database name
>         deletedTS - timestamp when database was deleted
>     Request Headers:
>         Accept –
>             application/json
>             text/plain
>     Response Headers:
>         Content-Type –
>             application/json
>             text/plain; charset=utf-8
>     Response JSON Object:
>         ok (boolean) –Operation status. Available in case of success
>         error (string) –Error type. Available if response code is 4xx
>         reason (string) –Error description. Available if response code is 4xx
>     Status Codes:   
>         200 Restored –Database restored successfully 
>         400 Bad Request –Invalid database name or deleted timestamp
>         401 Unauthorized –CouchDB Server Administrator privileges required
>         412 Precondition Failed –Database already exists
> What do you think of that? Any questions or thoughts on this? Once 
> again a big acknowledgment to Nick and Paul who helped with initial 
> design and provide consultation on this.
> Cheers
> Peng Hui
> [1] 
> https://github.com/apache/couchdb/blob/master/src/couch/src/couch_file.erl#L251
> [2] 
> https://github.com/apache/couchdb/blob/prototype/fdb-layer/src/fabric/src/fabric2_fdb.erl#L182-L184
> [3] https://activesphere.com/blog/2018/08/05/high-contention-allocator 
> <https://activesphere.com/blog/2018/08/05/high-contention-allocator>
> [4] 
> https://docs.couchdb.org/en/stable/api/database/common.html#delete--db

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