Bah, ignore the message below. The issue isn’t that EUnit has a problem with 
nested directories, it’s that it expects each test module to have a `_tests` 
suffix, not a `_test` one. We’re inconsistent about adhering to that rule in 
our codebase I’ll submit a PR to fix the module names so no one else bumps into 
that issue.


> On Nov 23, 2021, at 3:48 PM, Adam Kocoloski <> wrote:
> Hi,
> TL;DR - I think it would be a good idea to move EUnit tests back into `test` 
> instead of `test/eunit`.
> Recently I’ve been spending some time porting specific libraries to use 
> rebar3 and I thought it might be a nice project to hack on supporting rebar3 
> in CouchDB proper during the holiday weekend. I noticed a few small issues, 
> but one in particular is that it was difficult to get rebar3 to pick up unit 
> tests that were in subdirectories of `test`.
> Eventually I figured out that you could tell the compiler to do recursive 
> compilation on these test directories and that worked for running the 
> end-to-end test suite, but then I found that rebar3’s `—app` flag was still 
> broken, e.g. if I ran `rebar3 eunit —app couch_log` it would only find tests 
> in the actual source modules but not any of the modules in the test/eunit 
> directory. I thought this might be an inconsistency bug in rebar3, but I 
> realized that when you invoked rebar3 this way it was really just calling 
> `eunit:test({application, couch_log})`, and EUnit doesn’t allow any 
> configurability of its search path when invoked this way.
> Bottom line, it feels like we’re going against the grain of eunit itself when 
> we try to move the eunit tests to anywhere else other than `test`. Currently 
> we have a small handful of apps following this pattern:
> chttpd
> couch
> couch_epi
> couch_log
> couch_prometheus
> couch_replicator
> Of those, only the first two have any ExUnit unit tests that (I think) 
> motivated the creation of separate eunit and exunit tests in the first place. 
> Would it be OK if we moved those test modules back into `test` so we can stay 
> on the “paved path” for EUnit usage going forward?
> Cheers, Adam

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