
did some testing again with the following software/hardware (used Jan’s 


CouchDB: v. 3.2.2-749474c-dirty (q=2 / n=1)
deno 1.28.2 (release, x86_64-apple-darwin) / v8 / typescript 4.8.3
macOS 10.13 / iMac Mid 2011

1M docs         Build-time mrview sm    Build-time mrview deno    Ratio sm/deno
of size             in seconds                     in seconds      

    100 B         492                                 482                       
  1000 B         1521                               1531                        
10000 B         4943                               5308                         

The docs are created with couchdyno [1]:

100 Bytes docs:
./venv/bin/couchdyno-setup -t 1000000 -s 100 -u 1000000 -w 

1000 Bytes docs:
./venv/bin/couchdyno-setup -t 1000000 -s 1000 -u 1000000 -w 

10000 Bytes docs:
./venv/bin/couchdyno-setup -t 1000000 -s 10000 -u 1000000 -w 

I used the following ddoc for testing spidermonkey:

  "_id": "_design/sm",
  "views": {
    "sm": {
      "map": "function (doc) {\n  emit([doc.data, doc.ts], Date.now());\n}"
  "language": "javascript"

and the ddoc for testing deno:

  "_id": "_design/dn",
  "views": {
    "dn": {
      "map": "function (doc) {\n  emit([doc.data, doc.ts], Date.now());\n}"
  "language": "deno“

You can play with it under the test-branch „couchdb-deno“ [2]. 
You need to /download/install deno and put it in your PATH var.

Start CouchDB with (change your path to main-deno.js):

make && COUCHDB_QUERY_SERVER_DENO="deno run --allow-write 
/path/to/couchdb/share/server/main-deno.js" ./dev/run -a a:p -n 1


[1] https://github.com/cloudant-labs/couchdyno
[2] https://github.com/apache/couchdb/tree/couchdb-deno

> Am 15.05.2020 um 17:27 schrieb Nick Vatamaniuc <vatam...@gmail.com>:
> That's really cool, Jan!  Thanks for sharing.
> Deno is based on v8 so it is interesting to see how it compares in
> performance. Though, you're probably right that it could be just stdio
> limited here.
> Definitely like the simplicity and 500LoC part, too.
> Cheers,
> -Nick
> On Fri, May 15, 2020 at 6:39 AM Jan Lehnardt <j...@apache.org> wrote:
>> By way of not really scientifically benchmarking this, but for getting a 
>> feel for things, I ran timing tests with three different document size 
>> classes:
>> - 100 bytes
>> - 512 bytes
>> - 1024 bytes
>> I’m using our trusty benchbulk.sh[1] script, so the majority of the data is 
>> a single long value field with loads of `0`s in them. In no way 
>> representative, but quick to produce 1M docs.
>> I’m running this on an 8 core Mac Mini with a very fast SSD, three runs per 
>> version. This is on my regular work machine, so other things are going on, 
>> but the timings are surprisingly stable to the second.
>> I measured how long it takes to build an index over 1M documents in a q=2 
>> database, to leave enough cores for CouchDB and whatever else is going on on 
>> the box. At no point are CPU or RAM maxed out, neither is the disk IO 
>> capacity.
>> Repeated and interleaved runs should shake out any file system caching 
>> variability (which I couldn’t observe anyway).
>> 100 byte docs:
>> couchjs is ~10% faster than deno, while using ~60% less CPU (40% vs. 70%), 
>> RAM usage is rather erratic, springs from 20MB to 180MB and back 
>> periodically. deno RAM grows very slowly, maxing out at 110MB at the end of 
>> the run, so I presume whatever long-generational GC isn’t even kicking in 
>> yet.
>> 512 byte docs:
>> couchjs is ~5% faster than deno, same CPU and RAM profiles.
>> 1024 byte docs:
>> couchis is 20% slower(!) than deno, same CPU and RAM profiles.
>> At 512 and 1024 byte docs, deno makes beam.smp work a little harder, about 
>> 5% CPU usage.
>> All of the runs take between 1 and 2 minutes, so longer-running impacts 
>> aren’t showing here.
>> As you can see, this is very unscientific, but gives us an interesting 
>> direction.
>> Depending on the workload, the deno query server *might* lead to faster 
>> indexing, on larger docs, while making potentially better use of available 
>> CPU resources (or less euphemistically: at the expense of using more CPU 
>> time), and with a lot more stable RAM profile.
>> Given that I was able to put this together relatively quickly, and deno is 
>> very new, I find this rather promising.
>> In addition, since it is rather easy distributing this query server (install 
>> deno, download the .js file, set an env var, done), this might be a nice 
>> community alternative to couchjs for folks who see benefits.
>> I’d also like to see us taking this to the deno folks to see if they have 
>> anything up their sleeve in terms of speeding up stdio, or if there are 
>> tricks we can pull on the JS side.
>> * * *
>> One more interesting point I didn’t mention last night: this is entirely in 
>> JS based on an existing runtime. As opposed to couchjs, where we currently 
>> maintain a C and a C++ integration layer that nobody likes touching.
>> A pure-JS implementation, and my cleaned up (albeit less feature-full) 
>> ~500LoC of relatively modern JS might lead to renewed innovation in the 
>> space. Who doesn’t like a well-defined performance game :)
>> Plus, it’d be interesting to see if the TypeScript compiler could add more 
>> optimisations once the query server implementation is translated and 
>> type-annotated to be proper TypeScript.
>> Best
>> Jan
>> —
>> [1]: https://github.com/apache/couchdb/blob/master/test/bench/benchbulk.sh
>>> On 14. May 2020, at 22:01, Jan Lehnardt <j...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> I got nerd sniped by Joan this morning:
>>>   <+Wohali> hmmmmm. https://github.com/denoland/deno
>>>   <+Wohali> i know i know another runtime but it's focused on security
>>> I wondered what it would take to make a couchjs variant based on deno. 
>>> Turns out: about a day if you cut some corners ;)
>>> One of the interesting aspects, as Joan notes, is its 
>>> more-secure-by-default, so I have some hopes that this might work out 
>>> better than our ill-fated nodejs query server experiment from a few years 
>>> back.
>>> I started by hacking up a readily generated main.js, then ran `make` again, 
>>> and did it all again. Overall, it is ~30 LOC changes. Since there is no 
>>> synchronous `readline()` available and JS code can either by sync or async, 
>>> we can’t make it so one source could run in our couchjs or deno.
>>> So I went ahead and ripped all the basics out of our main.js and modernised 
>>> things a little bit along the way. The result is a main-deno.js that can 
>>> run map/reduce/rereduce/filter/view_filter/validate_doc_update functions 
>>> (as validated by the query server spec).
>>>   https://gist.github.com/janl/c3139bc72efe663e35005d8864c4201f
>>> I intentionally left out the couchappy functions, as at least lists with 
>>> the `getRow()` function won’t be implementable without an API break. I also 
>>> left out legacy compact with esprima/escodegen to keep things more 
>>> manageable. Oh and no lib/modules, given today’s JS packaging tooling, it’s 
>>> an easy choice to leave out.
>>> I haven’t done any sort of benchmarking, but I’d love for someone here to 
>>> give this a try. Here’s how to hack up `./dev/run` to add support for 
>>> `deno` design docs:
>>>  https://gist.github.com/janl/01559f8617ef44afd5ceec39ec8389e8
>>> If you want to run this on a regular CouchDB setup, set up this env var 
>>> before launching CouchDB:
>>>   COUCHDB_QUERY_SERVER_DENO="deno run --allow-write /path/to/main-deno.js”
>>>   `--allow-write` is only required for the debug log (/tmp/deno-qs.log), 
>>> but won’t be required during operation, adding to the sandboxed nature of 
>>> it all.
>>> And some proof of operation:
>>>  https://gist.github.com/janl/8636d469420a1fd2de481ae8f5780854
>>> It’d be nice to see how stable this is in practice and if there are any 
>>> meaningful performance / resource-usage differences. Any takers? I’ll 
>>> answer any and all setup questions.
>>> Now I’m passing the nerd-snipe torch to Paul:
>>>   <+jan____> uh, and it is embeddable 
>>> https://deno.land/manual/embedding_deno
>>> Best
>>> Jan
>>> —

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