Am 05.05.24 um 07:42 schrieb Claude Warren:
I was only looking at a small part of the documentation.  What I was hoping
was that there was a tag in the apt or vm processing that would allow us to
insert text.  And then figure out how to load that text from the
application itself.  There are several outputs that would be good to

But I have also thought about how to revamp the entire documentation
building/maintaining exercise.  But I am not a documentation expert so I am
hoping we can find someone to assist who has the experience.

The overall site was simplified when we switched from the old CMS to the gitpubsub way of doing things - the contents of a repository holds the whole webpage.

As Creadur contains subprojects each of them is generated via Maven/maven-site-plugin.

In order to broaden the discussion I filed the ticket ;) maybe other people can add more ideas :)


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