Hi all, Happy Holidays!

I have a week off, then 6 weeks of insanity, then Ill finally be regularly
free to try and help out, not that anyone is holding their breath or
anything. When February roles around and I really start applying myself to
some development corner of cTakes, is there anything I can do in the
meantime that is pressing slop-work? Anything that I can leverage my
clinical experience with to helping ctakes? Other than committing some more
notes. Or maybe menial coding that is pressing? Like I've said before, Im
no computer scientist (only aspiring), but I can definitely knock out some
grunt-work coding.

In the meantime, this week, Im still trying to get a real working
understanding of all the moving parts in cTakes, both from a user side
(building annotators, pipelines, dictionaries, etc) and a development side.
I dont want to trouble anyone with individual questions before I've tackled
all the literature/code documentation; however, what --is-- all the
literature? The documentation, beyond installing the software, seems to be
very spread out. Am I missing something obvious? Or is it just, "dig in and
read a billion different posts from 2008-till present" time (including all
the UIMA documentation/Lucene documentation etc)?

As is the patent phrase in moments like these: forgive me if this has been
asked before.

John Green

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