I believe Sean updated the code to also support underscore (_) as well. But the 
docs just need to be updated...

> On Jan 4, 2014, at 4:04 PM, "Dewful" <dew...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In the documentation, in the .sh files to run ctakes;
> # If you plan to use the UMLS Resources, set/export env variables
> # export ctakes.umlsuser=[username], ctakes.umlspw=[password]
> however, simply trying to
> export ctakes.umlsuser=myusername, ctakes.umlspw=mypassword
> doesnt work because bash3 doesnt allow dots in the keyname and will throw
> an error
> bin/runctakesCVD.sh: line 42: export: `ctakes.umlsuser=username,': not a
> valid identifier
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15016403/how-to-export-dot-separated-environment-variablesexplains
> some solutions
> it may be helpful to show how the user can set these easily if they want to
> set the env variables this way, possibly using one of the suggestions in SO.
> N

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