Hi all:

I'm writing to update about my efforts to make a cTAKES "out of the box" VM
with UMLS support. My specific use cases are for annotating DNA test
results, so both publication text and patient notes are important towards
this goal.

Wrote bash scripts to download and install cTAKES on Ubuntu.
Will provide interfaces for REST endpoints for each service (Clojure).

UMLS Services
Wrote Clojure/REST services for invoking the MetamapAPI and looking up
concepts/synonym entries in the UMLS. Will do the same for cTAKES in the
upcoming months.

Semantic Representation
Is anyone else using UMLS SemRep <http://semrep.nlm.nih.gov/>?
These annotations provide secondary evidence for the cTAKES medication  and
co-reference parsers, as well as additional annotations for other semantic

Genetic variant parser (HGVS)
Reece Hart released a standard HGVS
parser<https://bitbucket.org/invitae/hgvs>which I intend to include in
the VM distribution as an optional UIMA
pipeline (callout REST service).

Scalability: UIMA Async Scaleout with Fit
I'm planning on using Clojuima <https://github.com/jimpil/clojuima> to
scale at my company.
Is everyone else using UIMA-AS as well, or planning to?

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