I have just added some documentation on how to create executable fat-jars 
compatible in a uimaFIT-compatible way [1] - maybe that can be useful to you
in packaging cTAKES (example) applications.

Another thing I found very useful in the past was the creation of similarly
self-contained web-applications that come as a single JAR. A prominent
example of that species is Jenkins. Using "java -jar jenkins.jar", one
starts up the web application and can then access it using a browser.

It is very straight forward to create such runnable web application using
Winstone (previously used also by Jenkins) [2]. Jenkins has since switched
to using Jetty because Winstone was temporarily not further maintained.
Unfortunately, I do not know if using Jetty is comparably trivial as
using Winstone.

Just my 2 cents.


-- Richard

[2] http://alchim.sourceforge.net/winstone-maven-plugin/usage.html

On 16.04.2014, at 18:37, Pei Chen <chen...@apache.org> wrote:

> We spent some time in the past to make it easier for users to launch the
> But based on the questions/discussions, I think we are passed this stage
> and a very common use case would be for developers to use cTAKES as a lib,
> extend a class or two and then, embed it into their existing app.
> I am proposing a ctakes-web-demo for the sandbox,
> A simple webapp- war/maven pom.xml that uses the ctakes as a dependency.
> Have a simple servlet that wires up a pipeline (uimaFIT style), and then
> dump the CAS as html table.  We could even host it on:
> https://demo-ctakes.apache.org/
> It will probably only be a few lines of code, but it may be a good starting
> point for developers who are more interested in using it as a lib and not
> necessarily modifying ctakes code.

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