Sounds like a good starting place to me, thanks Tim.—
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On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 3:06 PM, Miller, Timothy
<> wrote:

> Do you mean something like figuring out why a named entity wasn't
> detected or something? I don't think we have anything formalized, but my
> technique is something like, find the smallest text example that
> demonstrates the issue and then work backwards in the pipeline. So for
> something missed by the dictionary I first check whether the correct
> lookup window was found. If it was then I know it's something about the
> dictionary, if not then I go back to the chunker to figure out why the
> lookup window wasn't found, etc.
> Tim
> On 07/16/2014 03:01 PM, John Green wrote:
>> Is there a generally accepted procedure for identifying why an annotation
>> wasnt made?
>> JG

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