
Am 05.08.2015 um 22:16 schrieb Pei Chen:
> Peter,
> Good to hear from you again!
> Yes, I believe there are some regex and rules based annotators that
> are in used (and probably the future for as long as it out performs
> other methods for certain tasks.)
> I don't think there is specific position form the community on this
> approach.  (ASF's 'Do-acracy')
> Were you thinking of writing some Annotators in Ruta?

I was just curious.

Actually, I write quite a lot rule-based annotators these days, but
always in a commercial context (and mostly for other sectors). So, I
cannot contribute them to UIMA or cTAKES unfortunately. I am still
planning to provide ready to use ASL rule-based components for Ruta, but
all the time I can invest is spent on the system itself (so that it
performs better in an industrial setting).

In case someone wants to create rule-based Ruta annotators for cTAKES,
be sure that he/she can count on my help and support.



> --Pei
> On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 3:47 AM, Peter Klügl <peter.klu...@averbis.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> my (uninformed) view on cTAKES was that it is mainly based on black-box
>> machine learning models.
>> There were some mentions of rule-based approaches on the mailing list
>> and a quick look in the source code revealed to me some functionality
>> that is based on FSMs and regular expressions (and the grey area of rule
>> logic implemented in plain java).
>> I'm just curious. Is this code actively used in cTAKES and is there a
>> general position of the cTAKES community on rules-based/white-box
>> approaches?
>> Best,
>> Peter

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