I've noticed that the ctakes-distribution doesn't seem to package the
resources. Manually downloading the resources from the website and
following the directions for coping into the resources directory
solved the issues for me.


On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 7:28 AM, Geise, Brandon D.
<bdge...@geisinger.edu> wrote:
> As a follow-up I've followed the distribution packaging strategy to package 
> my application and I've gotten past the error below, but now I'm running into 
> the error below:
> Caused by: org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException: Could 
> not access the resource data at 
> resources\org\apache\ctakes\dictionary\lookup\fast\cakesHsql.xml.
> I've double checked all my paths and tried changing from relative to absolute 
> but still no luck?  Has anyone run into this before and have a suggestion on 
> where to look?
> Thanks,
> Brandon
> From: Geise, Brandon D.
> Sent: Monday, September 21, 2015 9:59 AM
> To: 'dev@ctakes.apache.org' <dev@ctakes.apache.org>
> Subject: Packaging Ctakes Application
> Hi All,
> I've created a test application using Ctakes and now would like to package 
> into jar.  What I've tried is creating a single jar with all resources in the 
> JAR and it starts loading the models as expected for the 
> TokenizerAnnotatorPTB (default from cTakes) but close to the end of the 
> loading the models I get a URI is not hierarchical error.
> Loading configuration.
> Loading feature templates.
> Loading lexica.
> Loading model:
> ................................
> Loading model:
> .............................
> URI is not hierarchical
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI is not hierarchical
> If I run the same from Eclipse it looks like
> Loading configuration.
> Loading feature templates.
> Loading lexica.
> Loading model:
> ................................
> Loading model:
> .............................
> 21 Sep 2015 09:47:19  INFO AbstractJCasTermAnnotator - Using dictionary 
> lookup window type: org.apache.ctakes.typesystem.type.textspan.Sentence
> Can someone offer some suggestions on the best way to package a maven 
> application that uses cTakes?  Based on another thread I have even tried to 
> extract the resources folder and specify in the classpath but I'm still 
> receiving the same error.
> Thanks,
> Brandon
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