Thanks Hadrian, I hadn't heard of OSEHRA but it looks interesting and like 
something where we should be making people aware of cTAKES!

svn vs. git -- I'm with you on preferring git, but not by so much that it's 
worth spending time on an argument if it turns into an argument :). As far as I 
know we've never really had a discussion about it. It's probably getting to the 
point where new developers have _only_ used git and would find it a complete 
roadblock to use svn but for me it's just a mild annoyance.

All others you mentioned -- if you are willing to contribute a patch we are 
happy to accept one-off contributions, and we are also interested in growing 
the developer community with people who are interested in contributing 
regularly over time.


From: Hadrian Zbarcea <>
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 9:14 PM
Subject: Proposed improvements [EXTERNAL]

Last week I presented at the OSEHRA Summit about ActiveMQ (and a few
other projects) and the ASF in general.

I was surprised that most didn't know much about the ASF and more
importantly that nobody knew about cTakes, the only (directly)
healthcare related project at the ASF. There was no cTakes talk at
ApacheCon in Miami, but at OSEHRA, which is all about healthcare we
should have had a presence. I will probably submit a talk for next year,
but until then, because I think I created a bit of interest in cTakes I
went to build cTakes myself and try a few things.

Some of my findings are:
* test failures with openjdk; granted the docs mention oracle jdk as a
prerequisite, but think it's easy to support openjdk
* use of svn vs git; this is a debatable topic, but by now everybody and
their uncles are on git so moving to git (which I'd recommend) would
probably forster adoption (yes, I know about the github mirror)
* no support for OSGi, many large players use it
* improvements in logging could go a long way, starting with moving to slf4j

Suggesting improvements imply that I volunteer to do a good chunk of the
work, but before that I'm interested more in how much the community
would welcome such improvements. I am curious what are considered more
low hanging fruits, for the more controversial topics we could take them
to [discuss] threads. Because every community has its own culture and I
am not that familiar with the cTakes one, although I went through the
mail archives, I thought a prudent first step would be to start with this.

Feedback appreciated,

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