Hi Barbara,  Thanks for sharing that.

Have you been able to build a running version from the trunk in source in 
Eclipse?   I’ve been having compile problems in ctakes-temporal  and an API 
mismatch in the casgen module when I run it from the maven system in Eclipse.  
Instead I need to build the TypeSystem from the command line.    Even then, the 
binary distribution created by the 4.0.0 source build does not behave like the 
binary distribution off the ctakes site.  Have you noticed that?

Sent from my iPad

> On Jun 1, 2018, at 23:13, Barbara Moloney <barbara.molo...@dpi.nsw.gov.au> 
> wrote:
> I found the solution at
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30386833/uima-example-in-eclipse-not-working
> with
> some modification. I needed to create a UIMA user library in Eclipse for
> each ctakes run confiiguration by adding external Jars from UIMA_HOME\lib.
> Barbara
> On 1 May 2018 at 11:28, Barbara Moloney <barbara.molo...@dpi.nsw.gov.au>
> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I'm new to cTAKES (and Java 1.8) and trying to get run configurations to
>> work. I have downloaded the source code from URL as specified in the
>> Developer Install instructions for cTAKES 4.0. When I try to run the
>> configuration within Eclipse (eg UIMA_CPE_GUI) I get an error message
>> Error: Could not find or load main class org.apache.uima.tools.cpm.CpmF
>> rame
>> I'm suspecting the problem may be in my path and/or classpath variables.
>> I have another Eclipse workspace for UIMA and the run configurations are
>> working.
>> Can anyone help please.
>> Barbara
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