I'm having a weird issue with unicode characters in one of the sample notes 
distributed with ctakes. The sentence is:

The right breast and axilla were sterilely prepped and draped in the usual 
standard fashion.  First the right 1 o’clock position 5 cm from the nipple was 
targeted.  Local anesthesia was obtained with 2% xylocaine.  A small skin 
incision was made.  Under ultrasound guidance from a medial approach, 2 passes 
with a 14 gauge biopsy device were performed and sent to pathology.  A clip was 

The unicode characters are the right single quotes in "o'clock". If I just put 
it in the CVD everything works fine, e.g. I find the drug "xylocaine" at 
location 203-212 and it's highlighted correctly. However, if I use the REST 
interface and send it using the python requests API, I get back the span 
205:214. If we then grab that span we get the wrong string (offset by 2, so 
something like "locaine. "

Any thoughts on where things might be going wrong for the REST interface? Does 
anyone more knowledgeable than me know how UIMA and cTAKES (and java for that 
matter) normally handle unicode?


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