Hi Peter,

I use the piper files, and temporal sub piper TemporalSubPipe.piper in

contains the following:

// Commands and parameters to create a default temporal processing 
sub-pipeline.  This is not a full pipeline.

// 'Generic' Events.  Use addDescription and let the EventAnnotator set itself 
up with defaults.
addDescription EventAnnotator

// Times.  Use addLogged to log start and finish of processing.  There aren't 
default models, so set specifically
add BackwardsTimeAnnotator 

// DocTimeRel: the relation bin for Events to the Document Creation Time.
add DocTimeRelAnnotator 

// Event - Time binary relations.
add EventTimeRelationAnnotator 

// Event - Event binary relations.
add EventEventRelationAnnotator 

The last time that I ran this it completed successfully.


From: Peter Abramowitsch <pabramowit...@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2021 9:09 AM
To: dev@ctakes.apache.org
Subject: Question about use of Time Annotators in 4.0.1 (trunk) [EXTERNAL]

* External Email - Caution *

I have a couple of questions about the TimeAnnotators  forward and backward

1.  The BackwardsTimeAnnotator complains that it doesn't know whether it is
in training mode when there is no "inTraining" parameter.  But when I
supply it with the value false, then it complains that it doesn't have a
classifier jar path, as if it now really thinks it's in training!  So
what's the trick to make it happy that it's not in training.

2.  The unit tests for the time annotators contain the two extra pipeline

   - CopyNPChunksToLookupWindowAnnotations.class
   - RemoveEnclosedLookupWindows.class

Are these needed for regular use of the Time annotators or is this just a
Unit test feature.


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