I'm trying to dig into CXF-1547 to try and get the "proper" fix in place. Basically, I'm trying to make sure all the InterceptorProviders are properly examined and in a consistent order. We basically have 5 interceptor providers:

Client  (client side only)

On the server side, they are evaluated in this order:
In:  bus, endpoint, binding, service
Out: endpoint, service, bus, binding
Fault: endpoint, binding, service, bus

On the client side:
In: bus, endpoint, client, binding
Out: bus, endpoint, client, binding
Fault: endpoint, binding, service, bus

Things to note:
Client side doesn't look at the Service at all except for faults. We definitely need to fix that.
Server side uses different ordering for all three chains.

I'd like to make this completely consistent.   I want to make it:

Server:   bus, binding, endpoint, service
Client:    bus, binding, endpoint, service, client

Server: bus, service, endpoint, binding
Client: bus, client, service, endpoint, binding

Any opinions or objections? Looking through things, I'm leaning toward the second option. It LOOKS like the binding seems to define the most "addAfter" interceptors which cause more work when building the InterceptorChain if they are already in the chain. Thus, putting them at the end may perform the best. I may run some checks to make sure though.

In anycase, any thoughts?

Daniel Kulp

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