I think a couple demos setup like this would be great, but I don't think they all should be. The nice thing about the current setup is its:

a) very simple: no spring stuff required to learn or anything like that
b) portable to other jaxws implementations
c) also what is generated if you do wsdl2java -server


On Jul 10, 2008, at 2:42 PM, Benson Margulies wrote:

Could I ask people to look at what I did with js_browser_client_cross_url? I replaced launching the endpoint from code with launching it from Spring, which is more consistent with most of our doc. If people like it I/ we can
propagate it.

I will be deleting this sample, as it was an attempt to do something that I now realize cannot be done, but if the pattern is good I'll replicate it.

Daniel Kulp

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