Most likely, in those cases, we would be calling writeDocument with the writePrologue falg set to false as it would be encapsulated in a soap message or something that would have already written that. Most likely, if prologue writing is turned off, we DON'T want to write any PI's either as they would be invalid. Thus, my suggestion would be to use the old behavior if false and your new code if true.


On Jul 24, 2008, at 7:06 PM, Benson Margulies wrote:

Have fun. But I don't think PI's are part of the WSDL document-- they are external to it, however I'm seeing some open source products that provide
stylesheets for WSDLs, so it may not be that big a deal.

At any rate, make sure your change does not result in SOAP messages being
allowed to have PI's--that remains a no-no (3rd paragraph of, and also the
WS-I Basic Profile).

Well, I suppose that I've just made it hypothetically possible for a
user of CXF to sneak a PI out on the wire, assuming that we have any
code path where the user gives us a DOM tree and we pass it along.
It's presumably arguable whether it is up to us to step on such

Does anyone know of such a code path?

Daniel Kulp

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