On Friday 08 August 2008 7:01:27 pm Glen Mazza wrote:
> dkulp wrote:
> > The end of next week will be 8 weeks since 2.1.1 was released and we've
> > fixed
> > a BUNCH of things  (something like 58 jira's so far) that would be good
> > to get into peoples hands.
> >
> > Are there any objections to that?   If not, I'll get it built monday
> > afternoon
> > and call the votes.
> Not crucial, but it would be nice to see the problem with the 2 bouncy jars
> to be fixed--that was a regression from 2.1.1 over 2.1:
> http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-1726
> BTW, what is the Maven command (is there one?) to determine which
> dependency brought in another dependency?  I think we need an exclusion
> filter on whatever is bringing in that jdk 1.3 Bouncy Castle jar.

Most likely you are referring to:
mvn dependence:tree

That should show a nice tree.

Daniel Kulp

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