On Friday 19 September 2008 2:32:32 pm kasturi1010 wrote:
> I would like to know 2 things:
> 1. I would like to know if you can control the namespace in the
> generated-wsdl to what you want ? Right now the target namespace reflects
> the package name (in an inverted manner) of the class exposed with
> @WebService.
> I would like to control the target namespace myself for the purpose of
> "Versioning" rather than being generated automatically. As you may know,
> versioning of webservices is commonly achieved via having dated namespaces
> (like targetNamespace = "http://apache.org/2005/05/version1"; or
> targetNamespace="http://apache.org/2006/05/version2";)

The @WebService annotation has a namespace attribute on it to allow you to 
control it.

> 2. I dont like to clutter my wsdl <types> element with the schema
> definitions in there itself. Rather I like them having in a separate file
> and have a simple import inside the <types> element. See e.g. below
> <types>
>     <xsd:schema>
>        <xsd:import namespace="http://apache.org/2005/05/version1";
>                        schemaLocation="schema1.xsd"/>
>     </xsd:schema>
> </types>
> How do I achieve the above?

The java2ws command line tool has a  -createxsdimports flag that will make it 
generate separate files for each schema.

Daniel Kulp

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