The abstract providers (JAXB and Aegis) are declared as subclasses of
MessageBodyReader<Object>, not MessageBodyReader<T>. That in turn
forces the parameter to be readFrom(Class<Object> type, ...), which
requires the input to be the one and only  Object.class object.

Extending from MessageBodyReader<T> ? What does it mean ? Creating a provider 
per every individual type ?
I'm not a generics guru but it does not make any sense to me.

I don't see how you can assert that JAXB works when there are no tests
that call it. I put a breakpoint on JAXBElementReader.readFrom, and I
ran all the JAX-RS unit tests and the systest, and it never got hit.


I'm pretty sure that on the read side JAXB needs some root classes,
just like Aegis, and you're not giving it any in the code you have.

Please send along a reference to the JAX-RS spec that specifies
MessageBodyReader. Perhaps that will reveal what I'm missing.

If you look at the that I checked in, the
@Ignored read test fails because I can't pass the actual bean class to
the readFrom interface. My friendly challenge to you is this: Create
the JAXB equivalent of this test.

Ok :-).

On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 7:36 AM, Sergey Beryozkin

I'm getting into trouble here now that I'm debugging a test case.

readFrom takes Class<Object>, not Class<?>. I don't see how the JAXB
code could work, as it will try to obtain a type for 'Object.class',

Unfortunately Class<?> does not compile. Plain Class is passed in to it from
above and it has all the info. Somehow JAXB is capabe of finding out what
the class contains. Likewise in isReadable/isWriteable we can check if
ObjectFactory is available and we can obtain it in readFrom()/writeTo even
if Class<Object> is passed in.

What sort of code won't work for you ?

Thanks, Sergey

which is the only thing in the world of type Class<Object>, AFAIK. My
code certainly won't work. I note that none of your unit tests ever
call the JAXB Element readFrom. I'll look for the systest. Aegis needs
some clue about what types are going to be read.

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