I'm not sure why you would be getting that error.   We don't reference 
(or any other org.apache.axiom things) in our code at all.   Thus, the 
compiler should never need to parse it.

Very strange.


On Tue September 1 2009 4:39:34 am karypid wrote:
> Ok, so I've added the dependency in cxf-api/pom.xml, which allowed
> compilation to proceed:
>               <dependency>
>                       <groupId>org.apache.ws.commons.axiom</groupId>
>                       <artifactId>axiom-impl</artifactId>
>                       <version>1.2.7</version>
>               </dependency>
> Is this an omission? I downloaded my local copy from:
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/cxf/tags/cxf-2.2.3
> Is that not the official release tag?
> karypid wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm having a problems compiling  CXF 2.2.3. Very early, when it reaches
> > "Apache CXF API" it hits errors for missing the AXIOM classes:
> >
> > [INFO]
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > [INFO] Building Apache CXF API
> > [INFO]    task-segment: [install]
> >
> > ...
> >
> > [INFO] Compiling 263 source files to
> > D:\aiq\jbossws\projects\cxf-2.2.3\api\target\classes
> > [INFO]
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > [INFO] Compilation failure
> >
> > could not parse error message:
> > org\apache\neethi\PolicyReference.java(org\apache\neethi:PolicyReference.
> >java):35: package org.apache.axiom.om does not exist
> > import org.apache.axiom.om.OMElement;
> >                           ^
> > ...

Daniel Kulp

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