Just wanted to start a discussion about 2.2.5.   I know it's a bit early since 
2.2.4 was just released 2 weeks ago, but holiday season is fast approaching so 
I thought I throw an idea out there.

We've done a TON of work resolving JIRA issues in the last two weeks.  We 
already have over 30 resolved issues on the 2.2.x branch which is outstanding 
work.   That's already more than we had for 2.1.7.      Thus, I was kind of 
thinking of doing a 2.2.5 sooner than the normal 8-10 weeks.   

8-10 weeks from the last release would put it at about mid December, which 
kind of sucks due to holidays and such.    I know I'm going to be in and out 
throughout December (I have too many "use or lose" vacation days) and I know 
others will be in and out as well.    Thus, it's not really a good time to 
prepare a release.    Thus, I was thinking maybe do 2.2.5 in mid November and 
then 2.2.6 would then be in January sometime.   (and then I'm hoping 2.3 would 
be in Feb/Mar, but that still remains to be seen if stuff is "ready") 

I don't think there is much push for 2.1.8 for November.  Only 9 of the 
resolved issues were pushable back to 2.1.x.   Thus, I'd probably skip 2.1.8 
and just do that in January with 2.2.6.   Besides, I'd like to slow down 2.1.x 
releases with the thought of stopping them sometime soon as well since 2.2.x 
is generally a simple migration from 2.1.x.

Does that make sense to people?   Any objections?  Thoughts?  Comments?

Daniel Kulp

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