How about doing an integration with ZooKeeper that would allow web/rest service instances to automatically register their existence with a run-time registry: at run-time, clients could then mint a reference to any one of the backend services. This would start as a mechanism to provide true location transparency for services, and would end up in a nice mechanism for server-side clustering, high-availability and failover!

Other thing that would be great (although perhaps not very sexy) is to build out the samples around WS-Trust, in particular, the policy-driven aspects.


On 19/03/2010 11:40, Sergey Beryozkin wrote:
- Simple and lightweight Atom HTML-based browser supporting feed links
(next/previous/first/last) based on the existing CXF JAXRS WebClient API to
be added to a rt/management-web component and which will be used for
browsing the CXF logs. This browser will let users see the contents of the
current page plus provided an option to follow the links to the
next/prev/etc pages

- Simple HTML based console for displaying the exchange data (jaxws/jaxrs)
persisted by PersistIn/Out interceptors;  this console will communicate with
a CXF JAXRS endpoint, all to be added to the rt/management-web;

I'll be willing to act as a mentor

cheers, Sergey

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 2:24 AM, Daniel Kulp<>  wrote:

The Google Summer of Code program is starting up.   Last year, we had a
good project completed (SOAP/JMS Spec) and significant work started toward
SOAP/TCP stuff.

At this point, it would be good to start collecting ideas that students may
interested in tackling.   So, what really cool ideas do people have?   :-)

Daniel Kulp

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