On Tuesday 12 October 2010 5:49:31 pm Benson Margulies wrote:
> One of our test schemas says:
>  <element name="inHeader">
>                                 <complexType>
>                                         <sequence>
>                                                 <element name=""
> type="xsd:string"/>
>                                         </sequence>
>                                 </complexType>
>                         </element>
> Is a null name really a reasonable thing in a sequence? As I read the
> spec, name="" is never reasonable. The spec demands an NCName for
> name, and either name or ref must be present.

Yea.  I don't think that would be valid.  Now, the question is, is the test 
testing what happens with an invalid schema?    I suppose that's too much to 
ask for.  :-)

Daniel Kulp

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