We have system tests that actually test this, so this kind of surprises me.   
Can you try with a more recent version of CXF.   Also, make sure you have the 
woodstox parser available instead of the buggy one in the JDK.


On Wednesday 10 November 2010 3:07:59 pm Aaron Ehrensberger wrote:
> Hi,
> Does CXF have an issue with preserving leading whitespace inside XML
> responses?  Is there something special I need to be doing?
> Basically, I'm searching a file for a specific word and want to return the
> line of the file that contains the word EXACTLY AS IS.  However, the
> leading whitespaces are being trimmed during the conversion process to
> stream back the XML.
> For example...search a document for the word Running....my file contains
> $Id: RUNNING.txt 354430 2005-12-06 13:44:26Z yoavs $
>             ===================================================
>             Running The Apache Tomcat 6.0 Servlet/JSP Container
>             ===================================================
> Apache Tomcat 6.0 requires the Java 2 Standard Edition Runtime
> Environment (JRE) version 5.0 or later.
> In the java code during debug, I find that
> "            Running The Apache Tomcat 6.0 Servlet/JSP Container"
> is found as my string.  It preserves the leading whitespace through the
> DTO's and webservices until I "return" from the webservice.  But, the XML
> response contains
> <searchHitRange>
>                <context>Running The Apache Tomcat 6.0 Servlet/JSP
> Container</context>
> </searchHitRange>
> ...with the whitespace gone.  Is there a way to preserve it?  I'm currently
> running CXF 2.2.3.
> I'd appreciate any help,
> Aaron

Daniel Kulp

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